国际金融学(外交学院) 最新知到智慧树满分章节测试答案


第一章 单元测试

1、 Currency crashes are fairly common events in history.( )

答案: 对

2、 The world as a whole is a closed economy.( )

答案: 对

3、 “Animal spirits” mean__ forces in financial markets. ( )

答案: Irrational

4、 From a global perspective, those countries running surpluses_money to those countries running deficits. ( )

答案: lend

5、 There’re such factors that brought about globalization as___( )。

A:lower transportation costs
B:telecommunication technology advancement
D:the relaxation of bank and capital market regulation
答案: lower transportation costs
telecommunication technology advancement
the relaxation of bank and capital market regulation

6、 In an open economy, domestic policy choices can have impact on other countries.( )

答案: 对

第二章 单元测试

1、 We have no way of knowing exactly how to allocate the discrepancy among BOP accounts. ( )

答案: 对

2、 Every international transaction automatically enters the balance of payments. ( )

A:twice, both times as debit.
B:once as a credit.
C:once either as a credit or as a debit.
D:twice, once as a credit and once as a debit.
答案: twice, once as a credit and once as a debit.

3、 An American buys a Japanese car, paying by writing a check on an account with a bank in New York. How would this be accounted for in the balance of payments? ( )

A:current account, a Japanese good import
B:financial account, a U.S. asset export
C:current account, a U.S. good import
D:a current account as a U.S. good import and a financial account, a U.S. asset export
答案: a current account as a U.S. good import and a financial account, a U.S. asset export

4、 The United States issues a $10,000 debt forgiveness to Argentina. How is this accounted for in the balance of payments? ( )

A:financial account, U.S. asset import
B:current account, Argentina transfer payment
C:financial account, U.S. asset export
D:current account, Argentina good import
答案: financial account, U.S. asset export

第三章 单元测试

1、 An example of how GNP accounts for services provided by foreign-owned capital (and GDP does not) is ( )

A:earnings of a Spanish factory with British owners counts only in Britain’s GNP.
B:earnings of a Spanish factory counts in Spain’s GDP but are part of Britain’s GNP.
C:earnings of a Spanish factory counts in Spain’s GNP but are part of Britain’s GDP.
D:earnings of a Spanish factory with British owners counts only in Spain’s GDP.
答案: earnings of a Spanish factory counts in Spain’s GDP but are part of Britain’s GNP.

2、 Net unilateral transfers__.( )

A:are part of a national income.
B:are part of a country’s product.
C:must be added to NNP in calculations of national income.
D:Only A and C
答案: Only A and C

3、 In open economies,_.( )

A:as in a closed economy, saving and investment are not necessarily equal.
B:saving and investment are not necessarily equal as they are in a closed economy.
C:investment always refers to the domestic stock market.
D:saving and investment are necessarily equal.
答案: saving and investment are not necessarily equal as they are in a closed economy.

4、 Which of the following is 对? ( )

A:A country could finance a current account deficit by using previously accumulated foreign wealth to pay for its imports.
B:A country with a current account deficit must be increasing its net foreign debts by the amount of the deficit.
C:A country with a current account surplus is earning more from its exports than it spends on imports.
D:All of the above are 对 of current account balances.
答案: All of the above are 对 of current account balances.

5、 An open economy,_.( )

A:cannot save either by building up its capital stock or by acquiring foreign wealth.
B:can save by avoiding excessive imports.
C:can save only by acquiring foreign wealth.
D:can save either by building up its capital stock or by acquiring foreign wealth.
答案: can save either by building up its capital stock or by acquiring foreign wealth.

6、 A central bank’s international reserves consists of its holdings of ______. ( )

A:foreign and domestic currency holdings
B:domestic assets and precious metals.
C:silver and gold.
D:foreign assets, gold and position on IMF
答案: foreign assets, gold and position on IMF

第四章 单元测试

2、 The liquidity seekers is more informed about the market than the profit seekers in the forex market. ( )

答案: 错

5、 Suppose you bought a RMB-NDF contract to buy one million RMB in one year. The forward exchange rate is $1=¥6.5100, and at maturity date the spot rate is $1=¥6.7053. How much is your profit holding zero transaction cost?( )

答案: -$4474.07

6、 The base currency is also the quote currency. ( )

答案: 错

7、 For a French investor, European terms are direct quotes. ( )

答案: 对

8、 Suppose the spot rate is J¥118.27/$ and the 3-months forward rate is J¥116.84/$, what is the forward premium on Japaneses Yen? ( )

答案: 4.90%

9、 An appreciation of a country’s currency___.( )

A:decreases the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of its imports.
B:lowers the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of its imports.
C:raises the relative price of its exports and raises the relative price of its imports.
D:raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of its imports.
答案: raises the relative price of its exports and lowers the relative price of its imports.

10、 What are the“big three”pairs of currency in global forex markets? ( )


11、 One pip in $/£ exchange rate is 0.0001.( )

答案: 对

第五章 单元测试

1、 The action of arbitrage is______. ( )

A:the process of buying and selling currency at the same price.
B:the process of buying a currency cheap and selling it dear.
C:the process of selling currency at different prices in different markets.
D:the process of buying a currency and holding onto it to take it off the market.
答案: the process of buying a currency cheap and selling it dear.

2、 What is the expected dollar rate of return on euro deposits if today’s exchange rate is $1.10 per euro, next year’s expected exchange rate is $1.166 per euro, the dollar interest rate is 10%, and the euro interest rate is 5%? ( )

答案: 11%

3、 Which one of the following statements is the MOST accurate? ( )

A:Since dollar and yen interest rates are measured in comparable terms, they move quite the same over time.
B:Since dollar and yen interest rates are measured in comparable terms, they still move quite differently over time.
C:Since dollar and yen interest rates are measured in comparable terms, they can move quite differently over time.
D:Since dollar and yen interest rates are not measured in comparable terms, they can move quite differently over time.
答案: Since dollar and yen interest rates are not measured in comparable terms, they can move quite differently over time.

4、 Suppose that the one-year forward price of euros in terms of dollars is equal to $1.113 per euro. Further, assume that the spot exchange rate is $1.05 per euro, and the interest rate on dollar deposits is 10 percent and on euro it is 4 percent. Under these assumptions, _. ( )

A:it is hard to tell whether interest parity does or does not hold.
B:interest parity does not hold.
C:interest parity does hold.
D:Not enough information is given to answer the question.
答案: interest parity does hold.

5、 The covered interest rate parity condition can be stated as follows: The interest rate on dollar deposits equals the interest rate on euro deposits _ the forward _ on dollars against euros. ( )

A:plus; premium
B:times; premium
C:plus; discount
D:minus; discount
答案: plus; discount

7、 What is the expected dollar rate of return on euro deposits if today’s exchange rate is $1.167 per euro, next year’s expected exchange rate is $1.10 per euro, the dollar interest rate is 10%, and the euro interest rate is 5%? ( )

答案: -1%

第六章 单元测试

1、 If there is initially an_. ( )

A:excess supply of money, the interest rate will fall, and if there is also an excess demand, it will fall rapidly.
B:excess supply of money, the interest rate will rise, and if there is also an excess demand, it will rise rapidly.
C:excess supply of money, the interest rate will rise, and if there is initially an excess demand, it will fall.
D:excess supply of money, the interest rate will fall, and if there is initially an excess demand, it will rise.
答案: excess supply of money, the interest rate will fall, and if there is initially an excess demand, it will rise.

2、 The aggregate demand for money can be expressed by ______. ( )

A:Md = P × Y(R, L).
B:Md = P × L(R,Y).
C:Md = L × P(R,Y).
D:Md = R × L(P,Y).
答案: Md = P × L(R,Y).

3、 A reduction in a country’s money supply causes _____. ( )

A:affects other countries currency in the foreign market.
B:does affect its currency in the foreign market in an ambiguous manor.
C:does not affect its currency in the foreign market.
D:its currency to appreciate in the foreign exchange market.
答案: its currency to appreciate in the foreign exchange market.

4、 A sustained change in the monetary growth rate will ______. ( )

A:eventually affect equilibrium real money balances by reducing the money interest rate.
B:eventually affect equilibrium real money balances by raising the real interest rate.
C:eventually affect equilibrium nominal money balances by raising the money interest rate.
D:eventually affect equilibrium real money balances by raising the money interest rate.
答案: eventually affect equilibrium real money balances by raising the money interest rate.

5、 The aggregate real money demand schedule L(R,Y) slopes downward because a fall in the interest rate reduces the desired real money holdings of each household and firm in the economy. ( )

答案: 错







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