高级英语(2)(内蒙古师范大学)1452531538 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Lesson 3 Inaugural Address Test 1 for L3 T1

1、 He had expected criticism but not the i__which greeted his proposal.
答案: nvective

2、 An intractable drug habit proved to be her sad u_.
答案: ndoing

3、 You’ll take everything you’re offered yet your own g____ is virtually non-existent.
答案: enerosity

4、 The symbol displayed outside a restaurant s__ there’s excellent cuisine inside.
答案: ignifies

5、 The King’s eldest son is the h______ to the throne.
答案: eir

6、 They were violently to be torn a_ at a coming signal.
答案: sunder

7、 In Latin America, population growth is already threatening to o_ economic growth.
答案: utpace

8、 Love is a sweet t_ , because the lover endures his torment willingly.
答案: yranny

9、 Today we have radios, TVs, and a whole h_ of gadgets powered by electricity.
答案: ost

10、 The article II of the constitution p__ the method of electing a president.
答案: rescribes

11、 They were at i_ as to who would go first.
答案: ssue

12、 There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief, as if a great burden had been c___ off.
答案: ast

Lesson 3 Inaugural Address Test 2 for L3 T2

1、 The officers were still reluctant to u____ their troops in pursuit of a defeated enemy.
答案: nleash

2、 The internet is like an idea, once unleashed, impossible to e___.
答案: radicate

3、 The Swedish girl raised her hands and clapped them twice together to s__ the waiter.
答案: ummon

4、 One solution is to t__ your existing customer base.
答案: ap

5、 Her undaunted spirit did not s___ from the only correct answer.
答案: hrink

6、 Trying to reason with empty heads is a useless e___.
答案: ndeavor

7、 He threw out the bridge of a charming hollow c__.
答案: ivility

8、 Together with our friends and allies, we will work to shape change, lest it e__ us.
答案: ngulf

9、 The general’s t_ gave the signal of departure.
答案: rumpet

10、 It may even t__ some foreign fund managers to launch UK-based funds.
答案: empt

11、 On the face of it, their marriage seems an improbable a__.
答案: lliance

12、 The group cited t___ from witnesses, including doctors.
答案: estimony

13、 The Prime Minister is determined to f__ a good relationship with America’s new leader.
答案: orge

14、 Landowners who fail to h_ the advice could face prosecution.
答案: eed

15、 We do so because in a diverse society, efforts to restrict speech can become a tool to silence critics, or o__ minorities.
答案: ppress

Lesson 3 Inaugural Address Quiz for Lesson 3

1、 invoke

A: call forth
B: take down
C:put up
D:take the form of
答案: call forth

2、 civility

A: rough manners
B:polite behaviour
C:polite citizen
D: rude person
答案: polite behaviour

3、 sovereign

B: self-sufficient
答案: self-governing

4、 commit

答案: pledge

5、 engulf

A:swallow up
B:consider about
C:clean up
D:imprint on
答案: swallow up

6、 undoing

A: showing
B: laziness
C: cover
答案: destruction

7、 symbolize

A: make signs
B: show pity
C: represent
D: present
答案: represent

8、 adversary

A: a person giving advice
B:a friend
C:an enemy
D:a listener
答案: an enemy

9、 alliance

B: transaction
答案: association

10、 prey

B: require
C: address
D: beg
答案: victim

Lesson 4 Love is a Fallacy Test 1 for L4 T1

1、 ambitious

答案: enterprising

2、 delicate

答案: exquisite





