2020春同声传译(韩巍)(哈尔滨工业大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Unit 1 An Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting Unit 1 Exercise

1、 The nature of simultaneous interpreting means that interpreters must be able to _____.

A:speak quickly and interpret almost instantly
B:speak clearly and interpret almost instantly
C:think quickly and interpret precisely
D:think quickly and interpret almost instantly
答案: think quickly and interpret almost instantly

2、 Simultaneous interpreting is more suitable for ________.

C:one-to-one conversations
答案: speeches

3、 When did simultaneous interpreting get started?

A:Nuremburg Trials after World War II.
B:The 1924 meetings of the International Labor Organization.
C:The 1919 Paris Peace Conference.
D:Meetings of the League of Nations in Geneva.
答案: The 1924 meetings of the International Labor Organization.

4、 Credit for the invention of simultaneous interpreting is given to __, the Boston capitalist and social reformer.

A:Leon Dostert
B:Alan Gordon Finlay
C:Daniel Gile
D:Edward Fillene
答案: Edward Fillene

5、 The earliest equipment for simultaneous interpreting (microphone, earphones, and switching equipment) was manufactured by __.

答案: IBM

6、 Remote simultaneous interpreting is becoming more common because __.

A:it is efficient and is able to serve an audience of large size
B:live webcasts of events aim to reach a global audience
C:it can help to save a large amount of time
D:it has the advantage of not disturbing the natural flow of the speaker
答案: live webcasts of events aim to reach a global audience

7、 Why Judge Franco Frattini issued an apology following Sun’s testimony?

A:Because Sun’s speaking was disturbed by the interpreter.
B:Because consecutive interpreting took too much time of the audience.
C:Because the quality of simultaneous interpreting was not satisfactory.
D:Because Sun was being evasive to answer questions directly.
答案: Because the quality of simultaneous interpreting was not satisfactory.

8、 Simultaneous interpreting is more suitable for ________.

B:classroom lectures
C:guided tours
答案: speeches

9、 The concept of simultaneous interpreting was born in __.

A:the US
答案: the US

10、 __ is the only UN body in which both consecutive and simultaneous interpreting is used.

A:The International Court
B:The Economic and Social Council
C:The General Assembly
D:The Security Council
答案: The Security Council

Unit 2 Multi-tasking in Simultaneous Interpreting Unit 2 Exercise

1、 During the interpreting process, a simultaneous interpreter should ___.

A:interpret the message selectively
B:engage in side conversations
C:adapt instantaneously to a different accent
D:interject personal opinions
答案: adapt instantaneously to a different accent

2、 Which of the following aptitudes is required by a simultaneous interpreter?

A:Pleasant voice and public-speaking skills.
B:A language degree.
C:In-depth knowledge of a third language.
D:Maintenance of SI equipment.
答案: Pleasant voice and public-speaking skills.

3、 Daniel Gile proposed his Effort Models to help interpreters ___.

A:sustain the high level of concentration during the interpreting process
B:adapt instantaneously to a different accent, to the pace and style of each speaker
C:understand the rules, expectations, and requirements of the institutions to be served
D:understand the difficulties of interpreting and select appropriate strategies and tactics
答案: understand the difficulties of interpreting and select appropriate strategies and tactics

4、 According to Gile, the efforts an interpreter faces are mainly Listening and analysis Effort, Memory Effort, Production Effort and ___.

A:Integration Effort
B:Coordination Effort
C:Monitoring Effort
D:Management Effort
答案: Coordination Effort

5、 The Production Effort includes ___.

A:self-monitoring and self-repair
B:self-monitoring and self-control
C:self-management and self-repair
D:self-awareness and self-repair
答案: self-monitoring and self-repair

6、 The interpreter serves as a conduit and plays a critical role in ___.

A:the fluent and complete summary of information
B:the concise and complete conveyance of information
C:the accurate and complete summary of information
D:the accurate and complete conveyance of information
答案: the accurate and complete conveyance of information

7、 Why should qualified simultaneous interpreters have a university degree or equivalent?

A:Because it provides the intellectual training and maturity.
B:Because it provides comprehensive interpreting skills.
C:Because it helps interpreters adapt without delay to speakers, situations and subjects.
D:Because it helps interpreters analyze information and construe meaning.
答案: Because it provides the intellectual training and maturity.

8、 Which of the following sentence is explaining the Production Effort?

A:It allows the interpreter to manage his or her focus of attention between the listening and task analyzing and the ongoing self-monitoring.
B:The interpreters listen to the SL speech, take notes and offer the TL speech delivery which includes self-monitoring and self-repair.
C:It is a storage mechanism where information is temporarily kept before further processing takes place.
D:It helps interpreters understand the difficulties of interpreting and select appropriate strategies and tactics.
答案: The interpreters listen to the SL speech, take notes and offer the TL speech delivery which includes self-monitoring and self-repair.

9、 The key concept of the Effort Models is ___.

A:memorizing capability
B:monitoring capability
C:interpreting capability
D:processing capability
答案: processing capability

10、 In Essex Tragedy, the police confirmed ___ victims.

答案: thirty-nine

Unit 3 Understanding Different Accents of English in SI Unit 3 Exercise

1、 The American linguist B. Kachru has put forward a theory to categorize “World English”. Which of the following is included in those categories?

A:The inner circle.
B:The native circle.
C:The non-native circle.
D:The core circle.
答案: The inner circle.

2、 Which of the following is a correct understanding of English accents?

A:The British accent is the standard English accent.
B:The American accent is the standard English accent.
C:The accent of native speakers is the standard English accent.
D:There is no such idea as the “standard English accent”.
答案: There is no such idea as the “standard English accent”.

3、 Which of the following are all British pronunciations for “class”, “shop” and “order”?

A:/kla:s/ /ʃɒp/ /’ɒ:də/
B:/kla:s/ /ʃɒp/ /’ɒ:dər/
C:/kla:s/ /ʃap/ /’ɒ:də/
D:/klæs/ /ʃɒp/ /’ɒ:dər/
答案: /kla:s/ /ʃɒp/ /’ɒ:də/

4、 The features of the French accent include_____:

A: the confusion of /v/ and /w/
B:the consonant /k/ is often pronounced as /g/
C:the confusion of /n/ and /ŋ/
D:the letter “h” is often not pronounced.
答案: the letter “h” is often not pronounced.

5、 Which of the following features can often be found in the German accent?

A: the consonant /ð/ is often pronounced as /s/
B:the consonant /θ/ is often pronounced as /z/
C:the consonant /w/ is often pronounced as /v/
D:the consonant /t/ is often pronounced as /d/





