英美文学2(广西医科大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



一、课程介绍和清教主义 American Puritanism

1、 Emerson’s _____ is like a “continuous monologue”.

A:A. Nature
B: B. Rip Van Winkle
C: C. The Scarlet Letter
D:D. Walden
答案: A. Nature

2、 The Puritans dreamed of living under a perfect order and worked with indomitable courage and confident hope toward building a new_____ in America.

A:A. city
B:B. country
C:C. society
D:D. Garden of Eden
答案: D. Garden of Eden

3、 What are the influences of Puritanism on American Literature?

A:A. Optimism
B:B. Symbolism
C:C. Simplicity
D:D. Black Humor
答案: A. Optimism;
B. Symbolism;
C. Simplicity

4、 What are the two features of American Puritans?

A:A. ideal
B:B. practical
C:C. pride
D:D. modest.
答案: A. ideal;
B. practical

5、 In the 16th century, many Puritans emigrated to the New World, where they sought to found a holy Commonwealth in New England.

答案: 错误

6、 Without some understanding of Puritanism, there can be no real understanding of American culture and literature.

答案: 正确

7、 Puritanism refers to the beliefs and practices characteristic of _.
答案: Puritans

8、 The American values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe very much to__.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)Puritan beliefs;

二、浪漫主义时期文学和超验主义 浪漫主义时期和超验主义文学单元测试题

1、 The finest example of Hawthorne’s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan Boston in __.

A:The Marble Faun
B:The Scarlet Letter
C:The Ambitious Guest
D:Young Goodman Brown
答案: The Scarlet Letter

2、 As a philosophical and literary movement, ______ flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War.

答案: transcendentalism

3、 Herman Melville’s _ is not only an adventure story, but also a significant philosophical work on spiritual exploration.

A:Moby Dick
B:The Egg
D:”The Over-Soul”
答案: Moby Dick

4、 Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first book _ is the fundamental document of his philosophy, and expresses his constant, deeply felt love for love for the natural scenes.

C:Daisy Miller
D:Leaterstocking Tales
答案: Nature

5、 Which is the character who appears in the novel Moby Dick?

A:Hester Prynne
B:Mr. Hooper
D: Pearl
答案: Ahab

6、 Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”?

A:“The American Scholar”
B:“English Traits”
C:“The Conduct of Life”
D:“Representative Men”
答案: “The American Scholar”

7、 Herman Melville called his friend Nathaniel Hawthorne _ in American literature.

A:the largest brain with the largest heart
B:father of American poetry
C:the transcendentalist
D:the American scholar
答案: the largest brain with the largest heart

8、 As ______ saw it, poetry could play a vital part in the process of creating a new nation. It could enable Americans to celebrate their release from the Old World and the colonial rule.

A:Wordsworth Longfellow
B:William Bryan
C:Walt Whitman
D:Robert Frost
答案: Walt Whitman

9、 Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT _.

A:a strict poetic form
B:a simple and conversational language
C:a free and natural rhythmic pattern
D: an easy flow of feelings
答案: a strict poetic form

10、 In Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, “A” may stands for ______.

D:Above all
答案: Above all

11、 Transcendentalism took their ideas from __.

A:The romantic literature in Europe
C:German idealistic philosophy
D:the revelations of oriental mysticism
答案: The romantic literature in Europe;
German idealistic philosophy;
the revelations of oriental mysticism

12、 Irving was best known for his famous short stories such as _ and _.

A:The Fall of the House of Ursher
B:The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
C:Life of Goldsmith
D:Life of Washington
答案: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow;
Life of Washington

13、 In the 19th century America, Romanticism had certain general characteristics. Choose such characteristics from the following items.

A:moral enthusiasm
B:faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception
C:adoration for the natural world
D:presumption about the corrosive effect of human society
答案: moral enthusiasm;
faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception;
adoration for the natural world;
presumption about the corrosive effect of human society

14、 From the following, choose the characteristics of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s poetry.

A:being highly individual
B:lack of form and polish
C:striking images
D:harsh rhythms
答案: being highly individual;
lack of form and polish;
striking images;
harsh rhythms

15、 A preoccupation with the demonic and they mystery of evil marked the works of ______, and a host of lesser writers.

A:Nathaniel Hawthorne
B:Edgar Allan Poe





