学术英语读写与交流(河北工业大学)1450359453 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Unit 1 Understanding Hacking Drones Quiz 1

1、 Which is not considered to be the three main communication links?

A:The incoming navigation signal from GPS satellites
B:One or more signals to notify other aircrafts
C:A two-way link
D:A wireless tether
答案: A wireless tether

2、 Which is the correct explanation of “Achilles’ Heel” in this passage?

A:The name of one part of body
B:A deadly weakness or vulnerable point
C:A name of a character in a story
D:A mistake made by human being
答案: A deadly weakness or vulnerable point

3、 What is the solution for the small drone to stay out of the way of other aircraft?

A:GPS system
B:Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast
D:Inertial guidance sensors
答案: Automatic Dependent Surveillance—Broadcast

4、 Which is not the harm of spoofing to the drone?

A:Threating a GPS system
B:Jamming the signal from drone
C:Blocking reception of its navigation signals
D:Causing a pilot to die
答案: Causing a pilot to die

5、 Compared to civil GPS, what is the serious problem of ADS-B to the drone?

A:It is expensive to access to
B: Its transmissions are not authenticated
C:It is hard to control
D: It is rarely used
答案: Its transmissions are not authenticated

6、 To maneuver a drone up, down, sideways or forward require three main communication links . Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.

A: Passive voice
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: Non-finite forms of verbs

7、 It was only saved from crashing by an operator who was poised to override the spoofing commands. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.

A: Passive voice
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: Passive voice

8、 By trying to adjust its location aloft based on erroneous data, the drone actually started to head directly toward the desert floor. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.

A:Passive voice
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: Non-finite forms of verbs

9、 Staying out of the way of other aircraft is especially challenging for small drones. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.

A:Passive voice
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: Non-finite forms of verbs

10、 The possibility of a midair crash between a drone and another aircraft will further complicated acceptance of drones. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.

A:Passive voice
B: Nominalization
C:Non-finite forms of verbs
D:None of the above
答案: Nominalization

11、 Which of the following IS LEAST possibly the purpose of making a presentation?

A: To inform the audience of a fact
B:To train the audience
C:To persuade the audience in order to sell some certain products
D:To show off the speaker’s competency to the audience
答案: To show off the speaker’s competency to the audience

12、 The main structure of a presentation usually includes __.

A:An introduction, a main body, and a conclusion
B:An exposition, an analysis, and a summary
C:A beginning part, a middle part, and a summary
D:A suspense, a rising part, and a climax
答案: An introduction, a main body, and a conclusion

13、 Which of the following is the most important content in the beginning part of a presentation?

A:A joke to bridge the gap between the speaker and the audience
B: Some shocking facts to arouse the audience’s interest
C:Thesis statement to state clearly the topic of the presentation
D:Outline of the presentation
答案: Thesis statement to state clearly the topic of the presentation

14、 Which of the following is not suggested when giving a presentation?

A:Use examples
B:Use preaching method
C:Use visual aids
D:Use statistics and diagrams
答案: Use preaching method

15、 What can the speaker do to attract the audience?

A: Avoid eye contact
B:Talk to the screen
C:Try his best to be humorous
D:Use movements and gestures
答案: Use movements and gestures

Unit 2 Understanding The Dawn of the Age of Artificial Intelligence Quiz 2

1、 Which of the following is not mentioned by the authors about the development of AT?

A:AI has speeded up the way people travel around the world.
B:The emergence of AI would fundamentally change the economic growth prospects
C:AI has changed the mode of education, making more people get access to extensive resources.
D:AI improves the lives of people with disabilities.
答案: AI has speeded up the way people travel around the world.

2、 Which of the following is true?

A:By 2012, there were approximately six billion mobile phone subscriptions in the world.
B:In 2000, more than 30% of mobile phone subscriptions in the world were in developing countries.
C:The sale of smart phones, according to IDC, will make up about two-thirds of all sales by 2017.
D:Over 75% of smart phone users are still in developed countries.
答案: The sale of smart phones, according to IDC, will make up about two-thirds of all sales by 2017.

3、 “Billions of Innovators” refers to ____ .

A:AI machines
B:7.1 billion people on earth
C:those intelligent people in the history
D:invention and creation of mankind
答案: 7.1 billion people on earth

4、 What is the meaning of the word “quibble” in paragraph 11?

A:A small compliant and criticism about something unimportant.
B:A totally different point of view.
C:A public act of denouncing.
D:A different decision.
答案: A small compliant and criticism about something unimportant.

5、 Which of the following is not the authors’ description about “the second machine age”?

A:The digital interconnection of the people on earth will further accelerate the second machine age.
B:The character of the second machine age is the combination of machine intelligence and billions of interconnected human brains.
C:3D printers, speech recognition and synthesis systems are the wonders of the second machine age.
D: The development of the second machine age needs the financial support from industrialized countries.
答案: The development of the second machine age needs the financial support from industrialized countries.

6、 Which of the following is NOT one of the guidelines of a good thesis?(

A: It states the writer’s clearly defined opinion on some subject.
B: It is very interesting to attract the readers.
C:It asserts one main idea.
D:It is often located in the first or second paragraph.
答案: It is very interesting to attract the readers.

7、 Which of the following is NOT the technique used by the author when he expressed the development of AI?

A:By citing examples.
B:By leading in others’ ideas.
C:By offering data.
D:By making comparison among past, now and future.
答案: By leading in others’ ideas.

8、 In the conclusion part of the text, the author talked about the new areas developed in AI.

A: True
B: False





