Guideword headings such as To, From, Date, Subject, etc. in technical memos, are used to show the organization of a mess



Guideword headings such as To, From, Date, Subject, etc. in technical memos, are used to show the organization of a message and indicate the hierarchy of writing. (     ) is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.A:错 B:对 答案: 对A:A line chart  B:pie chart   C:A bar chart D:A table  答案: A bar chart


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Guideword headings such as To, From, Date, Subject, etc. in technical memos, are used to show the organization of a mess第1张

Guideword headings such as To, From, Date, Subject, etc. in technical memos, are used to show the organization of a mess第2张


The ability to communicate clearly is an important skill because ____.

A:what you said is more important than what you did
B:many of today’s non-private communication take place through writing
C:people’s oral communication is more frequent than before
D:the ability in good oral expression usually leads to success
答案: many of today’s non-private communication take place through writing

Technical Report Writing is designed according to ___.

A:the students’ needs for further study
B:the enterprise demand 
C:he overseas workplace demand
D:the idea of Engineering Education Professional Certification College English Curriculum Requirements 
答案: the idea of Engineering Education Professional Certification College English Curriculum Requirements 

The purpose of the course Technical Report Writing is ____.

A:to improve students’ international communication ability in oral expression
B:to improve students’ international communication ability in their future study and work scenario and to promote their understanding of English technical report writing styles, etc.
C:to teach them how to carry out an experimental investigation
D:to tell them how to write their thesis
答案: to improve students’ international communication ability in their future study and work scenario and to promote their understanding of English technical report writing styles, etc.

Clear headings are used in a successful technical memo to (    )。

A:help readers concentrate on the subject 
B:show organization of a message
C:indicate internal communication 
D:explain the details 
答案: show organization of a message

Objective tone of a technical memo can be achieved through(    )。

A:ordinary words 
B:passive voice 
C:1st person pronoun
D:occasional contractions 
答案: passive voice 

If you are sending a memo to the entire staff, you might write: (    )。

A:To: All Employees
B:All Employees
C:From: All Employees 
D:Subject: All Employees    
答案: Subject: All Employees    

 Which of the following information may appear in a technical memo heading? 

B: Reader’s name and titles 
C:Current date
答案: Subject, Reader’s name and titles ,Current date

Which of the following expression helps to make a technical memo concise? 

A:I am writing this memo to inform you that the project has been delayed.  
B:Measures should be taken because of the high energy cost.
C:5 experts accomplished the water- saving project evaluation within 3 days. 
D:In the near future, the employees will see the benefits of the reforms.
答案: Measures should be taken because of the high energy cost.,5 experts accomplished the water- saving project evaluation within 3 days. 

Which of the following may be an effective subject in a technical memo? 

A:There are 3 ways to cut mail costs.
C:Security project evaluation   
D:Security System Installment
答案: Security project evaluation   ,Security System Installment

Guideword headings such as To, From, Date, Subject, etc. in technical memos, are used to show the organization of a message and indicate the hierarchy of writing. 

答案: 对

As senders & receivers are familiar with each other, we can use ordinary words and casual tone.    

答案: 错

Though passive voice is objective, it needs more verbs to form a sentence than the active one, which thus is a little bit weaker in conciseness. 

答案: 对

The summary segments are the parts in which you get to include all the juicy details that support your idea.

答案: 错

What’s an abstract?  

A:a short piece of writing 
B:a condensed version of a longer piece of writing
C:a concise (short and clear) summary of a work
D:a detailed description of an article
答案: a short piece of writing ,a condensed version of a longer piece of writing,a concise (short and clear) summary of a work

What’s the indicative abstract? 

A:It is the most useful kind of abstract.
B: It merely describes what the report is about. 
C:It does not give any specific Information about the problem, method, results, or conclusions. 
D:It is usually less than 100 words.
答案:  It merely describes what the report is about. ,It does not give any specific Information about the problem, method, results, or conclusions. ,It is usually less than 100 words.

What’s the informative abstract?   

A:It gives as much of the important particular information as possible
B:It is usually 150~250 words 
C:It is more useful than the other type of abstract
D:It is often used in the scientific journals
答案: It gives as much of the important particular information as possible,It is usually 150~250 words ,It is more useful than the other type of abstract,It is often used in the scientific journals

What are the important elements in an abstract? 

B:Results or findings 
C:Process and Methods 
D:Objective or purpose  
答案: Conclusion ,Results or findings ,Process and Methods ,Objective or purpose  

What are the goals of writing an abstract? 

A:An abstract can help the readers to estimate the sophistication or complexity of a piece of writing.
B:An abstract should help the readers to understand a text by acting as a pre-reading outline of key points. 
C:An abstract should help the readers to decide whether they should read the article.
D:An abstract can help to index the article for quick recovery and cross-referencing.
答案: An abstract can help the readers to estimate the sophistication or complexity of a piece of writing.,An abstract should help the readers to understand a text by acting as a pre-reading outline of key points. ,An abstract should help the readers to decide whether they should read the article.,An abstract can help to index the article for quick recovery and cross-referencing.

An abstract reviews the writing’s contents in abbreviated form.

答案: 对

An informative abstract merely describes what the report is about. 

答案: 错

Abstracts should state the objectives of the project, describe the methods used, summarize the significant findings and state the implications of the findings. 

答案: 对

An abstract could contain the information not included in the paper. 

答案: 错

Active voice is often used in an abstract for reporting on findings.

答案: 错

The active voice is usually used when the equipment has performed an action.

答案: 对

The active voice can be used to describe an action involving equipment.  

答案: 错

Women must choose between a home and a career. 

答案: 错

Women must make a choice between family and career.

答案: 对

We understand the sentence  “I am so glad to receive your book. I shall lose no time reading it.” as “I’ll read it at once.”  

答案: 错

How to avoid the sexism words? 

A:Rewrite the sentence in a plural form.
B:Substitute a/an/or the for his.
C:Substitute he or she, his or her respectively with they, their or them.
D:Turn the sentence into passive if possible.
答案: Substitute a/an/or the for his.

When talking about some certain researcher’s theories or findings in a literature review,(    )is usually adopted.   

A:past perfective 
B:present tense 
C:present perfective   
D:past tense  
答案: past tense  

But when making a summary about other researchers’ findings in a literature review , (     )is preferred.    

A:present tense  
B:present perfective 
C:past tense 
D:past perfective  
答案: present tense  

Which sentence is correct? 

A:The room their parents lived in was small in size. 
B:The room their parents lived in was small.
C:Their parents room size is small.
D:The size of their parents room is small.
答案: The room their parents lived in was small.

Data that represents numbers that change over a period of time might be best shown as (     ). 

A:Line charts
B:Bar charts   
C:Pie charts   
答案: Line charts

(     ) is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.

A:A line chart 
B:pie chart  
C:A bar chart
D:A table 
答案: A bar chart

When it is to visualize a trend in data over intervals of time or a time series, it is better to use (   ).

A:a pie chart
B:a bar chart 
C:a line chart 
D:a table 
答案: a line chart 

To decide which tense(s) to use for describing a graph or chart, you need to find out whether there is (      )to the graph or chart.

A:a speed element 
B:figure element  
C:a time element
D:a data element 
答案: a time element

If there is no indication of time in the graph or chart, then use (    ).

A:simple present tense   
B:simple future tense  
C:simple past tense  
D:present perfect tense
答案: simple present tense   

Graphs & charts can be read more quickly than the raw data.  

答案: 对

In the grid, the emphasized lines are called minor grid lines and the remainders are major grid lines.   

答案: 错

Use the past tense for the topic sentence in the introduction to define the graphs or charts.

答案: 错

A contract is a promise or set of promises that legally enforceable, if violated, allows injured party access to legal remedies. 

答案: 对

Gnerally speaking, a formal contract has Three versions.

答案: 错

Preamble includes introductory remarks and statements of facts.

答案: 对

Introductory remarks is composed of names of the parties, date  and recitations .

答案: 对

Statements of facts embodies causes of making a contractand contract’s features.

答案: 错

Generally speaking , here, there, where are added after, by, in, on, to, under, upon, with ,of,etc in technology contracts.

答案: 对

mayshallshouldwillmay notshall are not common in contracts.

答案: 对

In a contract, a future tense is not particularly used.

答案: 错

Shall usually means “should” or “must”. 

答案: 对

The Position should be placed before modal auxiliary verbs like shall, may. 

答案: 错

