A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat



A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrathin specimen.


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A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat第1张

A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat第2张



Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are distinguished by the size and the types of internal structures, especially if there is nuclear envelope.

答案: 对

Plant cells have chloroplasts for photosynthesis whereas animal cells do not have. 

答案: 对

The mesosome is plasma membrane enfolding and involved in cell division and energy releasing reactions ofeukaryotic cells. 

答案: 错

The DNA is the growing and developing basis of life.

答案: 错

All cells share similar structure, composition and metabolic features: Plasma membrane, DNA/RNA, and Ribosome.

答案: 对

Definition of  Nucleoid 

A:It is a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle.
B:It is the smallest and simplest self-replicating prokaryote.
C:It is an irregularly shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material.
D:Cells have a cell nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.
E:It is folded invaginations in the plasma membrane of bacteria.
答案: It is an irregularly shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material.

Definition of Mycoplasma

A:It is a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle.
B:It is the smallest and simplest self-replicating prokaryote.
C:It is an irregularly shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material.
D:Cells have a cell nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.
E:It is folded invaginations in the plasma membrane of bacteria.
答案: It is the smallest and simplest self-replicating prokaryote.

Definition of Prokaryotic cell

A:It is a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle.
B:It is the smallest and simplest self-replicating prokaryote.
C: It is an irregularly shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material.
D:Cells have a cell nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.
E:It is folded invaginations in the plasma membrane of bacteria.
答案: It is a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle.

Definiton of Mesosome

A:It is a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle.
B:It is the smallest and simplest self-replicating prokaryote.
C:It is an irregularly shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material.
D:Cells have a cell nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.
E:It is folded invaginations in the plasma membrane of bacteria.
答案: It is folded invaginations in the plasma membrane of bacteria.

Definition of Eukaryotic cell

A:It is a unicellular organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus, mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle.
B:It is the smallest and simplest self-replicating prokaryote.
C:It is an irregularly shaped region within the cell of a prokaryote that contains all or most of the genetic material.

D:Cells have a cell nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.
E: It is folded invaginations in the plasma membrane of bacteria.
答案: Cells have a cell nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.


The light source in a fluorescent microscope produces a beam of fluorescence that travels through a filter, which blocks all wavelengths except that which is capable of exciting the fluorophore (荧光基团). 

答案: 错

Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrathin specimen.

答案: 对

Negative Staining is well suited for examining very small particulate materials, such as viruses, ribosomes and protein complexes.

答案: 对

The fluorescent proteins (FPs) can be used to study the spatial and temporal distribution of RNA in living cells. 

答案: 错

The electron microscope can provide vastly greater resolution than the light microscope. 

答案: 对

Definition of Laser scanning confocal microscopy

A: It is based on the observation that two single-stranded nucleic acid molecules of complementary base sequence can form a double stranded hybrid. 
B:Technique whereby two different types of cells (from one organism or from different species) are joined to produce one cell with one, continuous plasma membrane.
C:The specimen is illuminated by a finely focused laser beam that rapidly scans across the specimen at a single depth, thus illuminating only a thin plane (or “optical section”) within the specimen.
D:The smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities. 
E:They are made by identical immune cells from a unique parent cell.
答案: The specimen is illuminated by a finely focused laser beam that rapidly scans across the specimen at a single depth, thus illuminating only a thin plane (or “optical section”) within the specimen.

Definition of Resolution/Resolving Power

A:It is based on the observation that two single-stranded nucleic acid molecules of complementary base sequence can form a double stranded hybrid.
B:Technique whereby two different types of cells (from one organism or from different species) are joined to produce one cell with one, continuous plasma membrane.
C:The specimen is illuminated by a finely focused laser beam that rapidly scans across the specimen at a single depth, thus illuminating only a thin plane (or “optical section”) within the specimen.
D:The smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities. 
E:They are made by identical immune cells from a unique parent cell.
答案: The smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities. 

Definition of Nucleic acid Hybridization

A:It is based on the observation that two single-stranded nucleic acid molecules of complementary base sequence can form a double stranded hybrid. 
B:Technique whereby two different types of cells (from one organism or from different species) are joined to produce one cell with one, continuous plasma membrane. 
C:The specimen is illuminated by a finely focused laser beam that rapidly scans across the specimen at a single depth, thus illuminating only a thin plane (or “optical section”) within the specimen. 
D:The smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities. 
E:They are made by identical immune cells from a unique parent cell.
答案: It is based on the observation that two single-stranded nucleic acid molecules of complementary base sequence can form a double stranded hybrid. 

Definition of Monoclonal Antibodies

A:It is based on the observation that two single-stranded nucleic acid molecules of complementary base sequence can form a double stranded hybrid. 
B:Technique whereby two different types of cells (from one organism or from different species) are joined to produce one cell with one, continuous plasma membrane. 
C:The specimen is illuminated by a finely focused laser beam that rapidly scans across the specimen at a single depth, thus illuminating only a thin plane (or “optical section”) within the specimen.
D:The smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities.
E:They are made by identical immune cells from a unique parent cell. 
答案: The smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities.

Definition of Cell Fusion/Cell Hybridization

A:It is based on the observation that two single-stranded nucleic acid molecules of complementary base sequence can form a double stranded hybrid. 
B:Technique whereby two different types of cells (from one organism or from different species) are joined to produce one cell with one, continuous plasma membrane.
C:The specimen is illuminated by a finely focused laser beam that rapidly scans across the specimen at a single depth, thus illuminating only a thin plane (or “optical section”) within the specimen. 
D:The smallest distance between two points on a specimen that can still be distinguished as two separate entities.
E:They are made by identical immune cells from a unique parent cell.
答案: Technique whereby two different types of cells (from one organism or from different species) are joined to produce one cell with one, continuous plasma membrane.

In general, the glycosyls (糖基) of glycoproteins and glycolipids in the plasma membrane: (        )

A:Are on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, facing the environment of a cell.
B:Are on the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, facing the cytosol.
C:Are equally distributed on the inner and outer surface of the plasma membrane.
D: Occur only in internal membranes.
答案: Are on the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane, facing the environment of a cell.

 You stain membrane proteins with a fluorescent-labeled antibody and notice the membrane is evenly stained. After a few hours, all of the fluorescence is at one end of a cell. You can conclude that (      ).

A: Lipids flip-flop in the membrane  
B:Proteins move laterally in the membrane
C:The fluorescent dye was bleached   
D:Proteins act as transporters
答案: Proteins move laterally in the membrane

Maintenance of the lipid bilayer in the plasma membrane requires special enzymes and the hydrolysis of ATP. 

答案: 错

Membrane proteins are the functional units of cell membrane. 

答案: 对

The biomembrane is asymmetric, but the distribution of cholesterols in the lipid bilayer is generally uniform. 

答案: 错

 Proteins destined to chloroplast are transported by the way of  (     )

A:Vesicular transport
B:Transmembrance transport
C:Gated transport

答案: Transmembrance transport

The observation that isolated F1 particles have ATPase activity suggests that (       )

A:Electron transport requires energy derived from ATP hydrolysis.
B:The normal enzymatic activity of the particle is reversible.
C:These particles have been irreversibly inactivated.
D:Electron transport is still functioning. 
答案: The normal enzymatic activity of the particle is reversible.

Which of the following proteins would not be found in Mitochondria? (       ) 

A:Adenylate kinase
B:Cytochrome P450
C:Malate dehydrogenase 
D:ATP synthase
答案: Cytochrome P450

Which cell type is likely to have Chloroplasts ? (       ) 

A:Adipose cells
B:Red blood cell
C:Liver cells 
D:Plant cells
答案: Plant cells

Which of the following about Chloroplasts and Mitochondria is NOT true? (      )

A:Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have Semi-independence.
B:The function of the chloroplasts is photosynthetic phosphorylation, while the function of the Mitochondrial is oxidative phosphorylation.
C:The proliferation of mitochondria and chloroplast can be by split.
D:Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have CF0F1 ATP synthetase. 
答案: Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have CF0F1 ATP synthetase. 

 The second messenger that activates PDK is? (      )

答案: PKA

A SNARE is(        )

A:Any soluble protein present within vesicles.
B:An integral protein that selects specific cargo proteins.
C:An integral protein in the nuclear membrane.
D:An integral protein that functions to help vesicles dock to target membranes.
答案: An integral protein that functions to help vesicles dock to target membranes.

Which of the following components is NOT required for NO signal pathway? (   )

A: Ion channel linked receptor 
B:Nitric oxide synthase
C:Protein kinase G(PKG)
D:Guanylyl cyclase(GC)
答案:  Ion channel linked receptor 

Ca2+  is crucial for the regulation of protein activity and function. Which of the following structures is Not the place for Ca2+ storage?(     )

B:Nuclear pore complex (NPC)
C: The extracellular space   
答案: Nuclear pore complex (NPC)

The structure recognized by SH2 domain is catalyzed by (   )  

答案: PTK

G protein-linked receptors are dimerized after recepting ligands and start next signaling pathway.(    )

答案: 错

Protein kinase A itself is different in different cell types, which explains why the effects of cyclic AMP vary depending on the target cell. (   )

答案: 对

Signal molecule binds GPCR (G protein-coupled receptor) and causes conformational changes of the GPCR, which activates heterotrimeric G protein to further affect intracellular signaling proteins or target functional proteins. (   )

答案: 对









A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat第3张


A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat第4张











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A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat第5张


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A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat第6张

A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat第7张





A:对 B:错 答案: 错Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) form images using electrons that are transmitted through an ultrat第8张








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