答案  错  



答案  错  


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答案  错  第1张

答案  错  第2张




The belief that your own cultural background, including ways of analyzing problems, values, beliefs, language, and verbal and nonverbal communication, is superior.


A culture

B communication

C ethnocentrism

D sender

答案  ethnocentrism

The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.


A intercultural communication

B culture

C business communication

D feedback

答案  culture

A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior, or the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior.


A ethnocentrism

B noise

C communication

D horizontal communication

答案  noise

The communication is within business and administration, aiming at a common objective and profits for both the individuals and organizations.


A lateral communication

B ethnocentrism

C business communication

D intercultural communication

答案  business communication

The communication at the same level in an organization.


A horizontal communication

B ethnocentrism

C business communication

D lateral communication

答案  horizontal communication

When culture is contrasted with nature, it can be defined as “ life way of a population” in its broad sense, meaning what characterizes the particular way of life of a population.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

Culture is all men’s medium; there is no aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

The culture shown in an onion consists of two levels; a level of norms and values, or an invisible level of resultant behavior or artifacts of some form.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

Culture cannot be known without a study of communication, and communication can only be understood with an understanding of the culture it supports.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

In the global village, neighbors communicate free of troubles and difficulties.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.


A 对

B 错

答案  错


A good mastery of grammar of one language can guarantee a successful communication.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

Long before writing was developed,we learned to speak first.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

There should always be an attachment at the end of a business memo.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

A recommendation report is to recommend something to others.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

Which is not verbal communication?


A Chat with your leaders and colleagues

B Discuss an issue in a group

C Greeting with a smile

D Leave a message

答案  Greeting with a smile

____ refers to anything that distorts the message the source encodes.


A Noise

B Message

C Source

D Context

答案  Noise

It is a universal truth that language is by culture and in turn it __ culture.


A influenced, reflects

B displayed, influences

C determined, reflects

D shaped, influences

答案  influenced, reflects

Why should we take notes during a business call?


A Listen attentively

B Serves as a record to take follow-up action

C Report on the call to someone else

D Reflect on the call

答案  Listen attentively,Serves as a record to take follow-up action,Report on the call to someone else

How can you identify your audience in preparing a business presentation?


A Age

B Appearance

C Interest

D Occupation

答案  Age,Interest,Occupation

Before making a business call, what kind of questions can you reflect?


A Do you need to report to your boss?

B Do you need to get information?

C Do you want to sell something, or convince the person of an idea?

D Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?

答案  Do you need to get information?,Do you want to sell something, or convince the person of an idea?,Do you need to ask for the person’s help or support?


Nonverbal behavior reflects the speaker’s subconciousness.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

Depending on the culture,a smile can indicate joy and amusement, it can also indicate embarrassment.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

Posture is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

Intimate distance is most common when friends, old classmates, acquaintances and relativestalk.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

People in __ cultures usually view silence as lack of communication and are generally ____ with it.


A low context   uncomfortable

B high context  uncomfortable

C low context   comfortable

D high context  comfortable

答案  low context   uncomfortable

Which of the following countries uses high-context language?


A Canada

B Germany

C Japan

D United States

答案  Japan

The function of nonverbal signs is sometimes indispensible. For example, placing your index finger to your lips as an alternative to saying “Please calm down so that I can speak” is a case of ____.


A complementing

B repeating

C contradicting

D substituting

答案  substituting

Which statements are correct about nonverbalcommunication?


A Nonverbal behavior is easily controlled

B A smile sometimes doesn’t mean a sincere smile

C Nonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we derive from conversation.

D Nonverbal communication is more than the complement of verbal communication.

答案  A smile sometimes doesn’t mean a sincere smileNonverbal behavior accounts for much of the meaning we derive from conversation.Nonverbal communication is more than the complement of verbal communication.

How does nonverbal behavior control the pace or flow of communication?


A Be silent

B Gesture of stopping

C Clap hands

D Raise voice

答案  Be silent#Gesture of stopping#Clap hands#Raise voice

Which of the countries belong to individualistic culture?


A Italy

B America

C France

D Greece

答案  Italy#America#France

