Which of the following statements is NOT true about antitrust laws in the USA? A: They were proposed to manage inflatio



 Which of the following statements is NOT true about antitrust laws in the USA? A: They were proposed to manage inflation and remain low unemployment rate. B: They were proposed to restrict mergers and acquisitions. C: They were proposed to encourage open competition and free market. D:They were proposed to prohibit monopoly. 答案:  They were proposed to manage inflation and remain low unemployment rate.


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 Which of the following statements is NOT true about antitrust laws in the USA? A: They were proposed to manage inflatio第1张

 Which of the following statements is NOT true about antitrust laws in the USA? A: They were proposed to manage inflatio第2张



Which of the following states is the largest state in the United States?

B:Rhode Island

答案: Alaska 

Which of the following states is Mount Rushmore located in?  

A:South Dakota
答案: South Dakota

Which of the following sites is NOT in Washington D.C.?

A:The Capitol 
B:The White House   
C:Lincoln Memorial     
D:Silicon Valley     
答案: Silicon Valley     

Which of the following statements is true about Thanksgiving?

A:The Pilgrims were grateful to the Native Americans.      
B:The first Thanksgiving was celebrated in North America.       
C:The Pilgrims made a feast and invited the Indians who had helped them.     
D:All of the above. 
答案: All of the above. 

Which of the following conflicts is the major conflict in North America before the breakout ofthe War of Independence?

A:the plantation slave owners and the slaves
B:the newly emerging bourgeoisie and the lower class
C:the Whites and the Indians
D:the British colonial authority and the colonial people
答案: the British colonial authority and the colonial people

True or False?The current national flag of the United States was adopted in 1776.

答案: 错

True or False?Hawaii and Alaska were the last two states joining the United States.

答案: 对

True or False?Christopher Columbus did not arrive in India when he made his first voyage to the New World.

答案: 对

 True or False?The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the American War of Independence. They marked the outbreak of armed conflict between the UK and its thirteen colonies in America.

答案: 对

True or False?The United States was not yet founded when The Declaration of Independence was drafted and issued.

答案: 错

Which of the following statements is NOT a power of the president in the USA?

A:The president has broad powers, with the executive branch, to issue regulations and directives.
B:The president has the authority to appoint federal judges when vaccines occur. 
C:The president can veto any bill passed by Congress.
D:The president can dismiss the Congress at will without any cause.
答案: The president can dismiss the Congress at will without any cause.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Vice President in the USA?

A:The Vice President has no right to vote in the Congress. 
B:The Vice President has no right to appoint government officials and the federal judges.
C: The Vice President cannot take office when the President is impeached.
D:The Vice President is the second-highest official in rank of the federal government.
答案:  The Vice President cannot take office when the President is impeached.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the Democratic Party?

A:It advocates affordable, high-quality health care system. 
B: It seeks to provide free market policies.
C:It proposes developing renewable energy.
D: It supports labor unions and minimum wage system.
答案:  It seeks to provide free market policies.

The prospective presidential candidate needs to be nominated at the            before joining the campaign.

A:Electoral College
B:Party Primaries 
C:Party Conventions 
答案: Party Conventions 

Donald Trump was able to win the presidential election in 2016 because           .

A:he won the majority of the electoral votes.
B:he won the majority of the popular votes. 
C:there were a few number of unfaithful voters to support Hilary Clinton
D:he won the majority of the states.
答案: he won the majority of the electoral votes.

The American Congress is divided into the Senate and the House of Representatives with 100 members respectively.

答案: 错

The American Department of State is a federal executive department responsible for carrying out U.S. foreign policy and international relations.

答案: 对

The most important function of Supreme Court is to determine whether federal or state laws and actions violate the Constitution.

答案: 对

As a member of the Republican Party, Donald Trump supports developing renewable energy and high-quality health care system.

答案: 错

The elected president should be either from the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.  

答案: 错

Which of the following areas relied on shipbuilding and sailing to generate wealth during the colonial period?

B:New England.
D:North Carolina.
答案: New England.

Which of the following statements was NOT Alexander Hamilton’s financial policy?

A:Set up the national bank.
B:Encourage agricultural development.
C:Provide subsidy for the domestic industries.
D:Raise tariffs and taxes.
答案: Encourage agricultural development.

The Gilded Age in the States exerted either positive or negative impacts EXCEPT         .

A: the fast development of science and technology
B:the depression of the large corporations
C:disordered competition and market chaos 
D:ordinary men and women working hard to gain wealth
答案: the depression of the large corporations

 Which of the following statements is NOT true about antitrust laws in the USA?

A: They were proposed to manage inflation and remain low unemployment rate.
B: They were proposed to restrict mergers and acquisitions.
C: They were proposed to encourage open competition and free market.
D:They were proposed to prohibit monopoly.
答案:  They were proposed to manage inflation and remain low unemployment rate.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which further increased economic ties between the United States and its largest trading partners, Canada and Mexico, was passed by the Congress during the term of President          .

A:Ronald Reagan
B:Franklin D. Roosevelt
C:Bill Clinton
D:George W. Bush
答案: Bill Clinton

The first factory in the United States can be dated back to 1793, a cotton textile mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

答案: 对

Abraham Lincoln successfully prosecuted the Civil War to preserve the United States. He played a key role in ending slavery in America

答案: 对

In 1913, the automaker Andrew Carnegie introduced the “moving assembly line”, which signaled the arrival of true mass production.

答案: 错

President Theodore Roosevelt proposed the New Deal to alleviate serious economic dislocation during the Great Depression. 

答案: 错

A large number of Americans joined the middle class with more labors working in services than producing goods after the WWII.

答案: 对

             in America can help farmers track farm operations, market information, and find the best places to plant and fertilize crops, adjusting their agricultural production and sales strategy, effectively reducing the risk of blind operation.

A:Mechanization technology
C:Information technology 
D:Irrigation technology 
答案: Information technology 

 American industry has made great progress and has become the largest industrial country in the world after            .

A:the Civil War
C:the First World War
D:the Second World War 
答案: the Second World War 

  Which of the following regions is the center of America’s iron and steel industry?

A:The Pacific Costal Region
B:The Northeastern Region
C:The Midwest Region
D:The South Region 
答案: The Northeastern Region

The United States is blessed with generosity of the nature, from vast piece of land, fertile soil to a good climate all satisfactory for agriculture.

答案: 对

The escalation of Sino-American trade friction will have a negative impact on the international trade and industrial development of American soybean.

答案: 对

The South Region in the US emerged as the new industrial base for aircraft manufacturing, food processing and petrochemical engineering. 

答案: 错

Detroit used to be the Car City of America, but now it is facing serious problems such as high unemployment rate because of industrial transfer and industrial hollowing.

答案: 对

What is the climate like in the UK? 

A:temperate continental climate
B:temperate marine climate       
C:temperate monsoon climate 
D:subtropical climate
答案: temperate marine climate       

Which of the following cities is the capital city of Northern Ireland?

答案: Belfast      

 Most people in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are descendants of the           .

A: Celtics 
B: Romans
C: Anglo-Saxons
D: Normans 
答案:  Celtics 

 How many people in the world are speaking English as their first language?

A:300 million
B:1.5 billion 
C:1 billion
D:360 million 
答案: 360 million 

 Historically, English was NOT much influenced by           . 

A: French 
B: Greek
C: Turkish 
D: Italian 
答案:  Italian 

London Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since 1894 and is one of the finest, most recognizable bridges in the world.

答案: 错

Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live in the Buckingham Palace, which has been the official London residence of Britain’s monarchy since 1837.

答案: 对

The majority of the ethnicity living in the UK now is Caucasians and Africans, which account for 87% of the total population.

答案: 错

The Middle English was greatly influenced by Latin and Greek

答案: 错

Modern English was formed based on Renaissance, Industrial Revolution as well as the rise of the British Empire.

答案: 对

