A 对



  A 对


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  A 对第1张

  A 对第2张



A formal article usually consists of three parts. What are they?


A the introduction, the supporting details and the conclusion

B thesis statement, the body and the conclusion

C the introduction, the body and the conclusion

D the introduction, the body and the linking devices

答案  the introduction, the body and the conclusion

The three components of a paragraph are the topic sentence, the supporting sentences, and ___.


A the general facts

B the examples

C the concluding sentence

D the controlling idea

答案  the concluding sentence

Our identity is determined by the following factors EXCEPT______.


A genetic endowment

B age

C environment

D chance events

答案  age

In terms of writing device, which of the following sentence does not employ parallelism?


A Clear writing should be a major concern both of writers and readers.

B The Writing Center needs tutors who are ambitious, self-motivated, and who are dedicated.

C that small group of villainous men who plan, organize, and launch this cataract of horrors upon mankind.

D She was up in court a couple of times — drunk and disorderly.

答案  The Writing Center needs tutors who are ambitious, self-motivated, and who are dedicated.

During their college year, students don’t grow in the aspect of __.


A establishing their sexual identity

B learning to relate to family and friends in a new way

C becoming more self-centered

D developing new ways of grasping knowledge

答案  becoming more self-centered

In Section B, Part II, the writer told us that she was less interested in reading as an adult because of the negative influence from people around.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” is written by ____.


A Leo Tolstoy

B Vladimir Sorokin

C Ben Jonson

D Christopher Marlowe

答案  Leo Tolstoy

In Thornfield, Jan Eyre bravely expressed her love to ____.


A Fitzgerald

B Rochester

C Santiago

D Heathcliff

答案  Rochester

He ___ the secret ___ his wife.


A coaxed … out of

B cheated … from

C persuade … out of

D told … from

答案  coaxed … out of

In this sentence “America is also a nation that prizes sociability and community”, which of the following has the closest meaning with the word “prizes”?


A prices

B values

C costs

D expenses

答案  values

Hurried success is one of the problems of modern society.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

Slowness, according to Anna Quindlen, should be advocated.


A 对

B 错

答案  错

The changes of Anna Quindlen’s life is inseparable from her love for books.


A 对

B 错

答案  对

