翻译理论与实践(天津科技大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Week 1 Brainstorming Process Test on brainstorming strategies

1、 What are 6 types of brainstorming strategies taught in this week?

A: freewriting, mapping, cubing, q-chart, looping, listing
B: organizing, listing, looping, freecharting, cubing, t-chart
C: listing, clustering, cubing, freewriting, looping, t-chart
D: organizing, cubing, researching, q-chart, freelisting, looping
答案: listing, clustering, cubing, freewriting, looping, t-chart

2、 At what point in the writing process should we brainstorm?

A: at the beginning
B: at the end
C: in the middle
D: always
答案: at the beginning

3、 What is the unifying theme in all forms of brainstorming?

A:Judge any ideas in the beginning in order to get your ideas out.
B: Do not judge your ideas at the beginning. Simply just get your ideas out.
C:Do not simply get your ideas out, judge the ideas.
D:Nothing, all forms of brainstorming are different.
答案: Do not judge your ideas at the beginning. Simply just get your ideas out.

4、 Why is brainstorming important?

A: It allows writers to analyze the writing prompt and organize their thoughts.
B: It contributes to unity and coherence of writing because it allows writers to map out their ideas.
C: all of the above
D: none of the above
答案: all of the above

Week 3 Drafting Process Test on logical appeal

1、 What is the difference between the major and minor premises?

A: The major premise is usually a broad and generally applicable truth, while the minor one is a more specific and narrowly applicable fact.
B: The major premise is usually a more important and lengthy claim while the minor one is less important and lengthy.
C: Major claim connotes minor claim.
D: The major premise major is usually a more specific and narrowly applicable fact while the minor one is a broad and generally applicable truth.
答案: The major premise is usually a broad and generally applicable truth, while the minor one is a more specific and narrowly applicable fact.

2、 All fragile things are breakable things. Some glasses are fragile things. Therefore,

A: Some Glasses will break.
B: Some Glasses are breakable things.
C: Some things are breakable.
D: None of the above.
答案: Some Glasses are breakable things.

3、 Which one is not one of the three appeals of an argument that Aristotle postulated:

A: logical appeal
B: Ethical appeal
C: Emotional appeal
D: Emphatic appeal
答案: Emphatic appeal

4、 How to convert logical syllogism into written argument?

A: Provide evidence for each premise.
B: Lay out each premise clearly.
C: Draw a clear connection to the conclusion.
D: Support the conclusion with new evidence.
答案: Provide evidence for each premise.;
Lay out each premise clearly.;





