科技英语语法(泰州学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



第五周 比较等级、被动语态及时态 单元测验五

1、 Convection(对流) is a ______ simpler physical process than conduction.

答案: far

2、 The temperature of the earth is ______ the deeper you go.

A:the highest
D:more high
答案: higher

3、 Marketing techniques are becoming increasingly ______.

A:more sophisticated
C:much sophisticated
D:very sophisticated
答案: sophisticated

4、 Finally, when grouping functions, synchronization overhead should ______ as much as possible by eliminating data dependency among the different function blocks.

B:be minimized
D:is minimized
答案: be minimized

5、 Simulation and experimental studies _____, which show that the axial ratio bandwidth of the antenna is directly proportional to the thickness of the substrate.

A:have been performed
B: is performed
C:was performed
D:were performed
答案: have been performed

6、 The existing link security technology ______ to a wireless network to reduce security attacks.

A:has been applied
B:have been applied
C:has applied
D:have applied
答案: has been applied

7、 So far we _____ the displacement of a particle.

A:will consider
B:has considered
C:have considered
D:would consider
答案: have considered

8、 By using the methods of spectral analysis, astronomers ____ to learn a great deal about the sun.

A:is able
B:will be able
C:has been able
D:have been able
答案: have been able

9、 This is the first time we ____ this new type of rocket.

A:have ever seen
B:has ever seen
C:ever has seen
D:had ever seen
答案: have ever seen

10、 We show that a discriminatively trained, multi-layer capsule system achieves state-of-the-art performance on MNIST and is ____ than a convolutional net at recognizing highly overlapping digits.

A:considerably better
B:more better
D:much well
答案: considerably better

11、 The process requires more gates than the circuit shown in Fig. 3-4. (使用many的原级、比较级或最高级形式)
答案: many

12、 Radars extensively for mapping geological structures and features. (使用use的适当时态和语态)
答案: have been used

13、 In this case the molecular to become polarized by the field. (使用say的适当语态和时态)
答案: is said

14、 The gate will remain by the low input until the clock pulse arrives.(使用close的适当语态和时态)
答案: closed

15、 A knowledge of statistics by every type of scientist for the analysis of data.(使用require的适当语态和时态)
答案: is required

第五周 比较等级、被动语态及时态 动词时态测试

1、 She would have finished the last page of her play, but she _____ to stop to feed her crying baby.

B:had had
D:would have.
答案: had

2、 The manager has anticipated the situation that we ___ a certain amount of resistance to our plan.

B:will meet
D:have met
答案: will meet

3、 —Have you returned from Japan yet? —-Yes, but I _____ at home for only four days before my company sent me to Australia.

B: have been
C:will be
D:would be
答案: was

4、 Jean could be a very attractive girl , but she _____ to her clothes.

A:pays no attention
B:was paying no attention
C:paid no attention
D:had paid no attention
答案: pays no attention

5、 Linda was _ the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.

A:to start
B:to have started
C:to be starting
D:to have been starting
答案: to have started

6、 Turn on the television or open a magazine and you __ advertisements showing happy, balanced families.

A:are often seeing
B:often see
C:will often see
D:have often seen
答案: will often see

7、 I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I ____ fully occupied the whole of last week.

B:had been
C:have been
答案: was

8、 Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ____ avoided.

A: is to be
B: can be
C:will be
D:has been
答案: is to be

9、 ____ last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent.

A:He would leave school
B:He left school
C:He had left school
D:He has left school.
答案: He left school

10、 James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he ____until yesterday.

A:will come
B:was coming
C:had been coming
答案: was coming





