英美报刊选读(浙江万里学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



1. 新闻英语概论 Overview of News English 第一章测试题

1、 Which one of these is not British Newspaper?

A: The Times 《泰晤士报》
B:The Wall Street Journal 《华尔街日报》
C:Oxford Gazette 《牛津公报》
D: The Guardian 《卫报》
答案: The Wall Street Journal 《华尔街日报》

2、 Which one of these is the first American newspaper?

A:The Boston News-Letter
B:Publick Occurrences-Both Forreign and Domestick
C:The Sun
D:The New York Times
答案: Publick Occurrences-Both Forreign and Domestick

3、 Which one of these is not a commonly recognized news value?

A:Novelty (新奇)
答案: Fraud(欺诈)

4、 The more prominent the person, the bigger the story.

答案: 正确

5、 The Daily Telegraph started as London’s first penny paper.

答案: 正确

3.新闻英语阅读概览 A Browse over English News 第三章测试题

1、 The hyphen in the headline, “Little Anti-US Feeling——Diplomat” , stands for _.

D:said by
答案: said by

2、 In the section of _ in China Daily there is a subsection of cartoons.

答案: Opinion

3、 Which of the following sections is not included in The China Daily?

答案: Crossword

4、 Which of the following newspapers is popular among British young people?

A:China Daily
B:The Guardian
C:The Washington Post
D:New York Times
答案: The Guardian

5、 Which of the following headlines is giving a future event?

A:Japan to Help Elderly Jobless
B:Meet the‘selfish giant’of global trade
C:Longevity Star Dies at 110
D:Journalist fired in spy debate
答案: Japan to Help Elderly Jobless

6、 What does “to” mean in the headline “China to issue white paper on China-US economic, trade talks stance”?

A:in order to
B:is to
C:as to
D:has to
答案: is to

7、 A summary lead ______.

A:gives information about the 5W1H elements of a news story
B:gives information about the main elements of the 5W1H
C:asks a question before giving the news fact
D:presents some dramatic details before giving the news fact
答案: gives information about the 5W1H elements of a news story

8、 Active reading is ___.

A:reading some active activities
B:not reading a news story
C:not reading a cartoon
D:reading while thinking
答案: reading while thinking

9、 What are the common sections included in most English newspapers?

A:local news
B:international news
C:business or economy
D:science and technology
答案: local news;
international news;
business or economy;
science and technology

10、 What are the popular newspapers and magazines established in the United States of America?

B:New York Times
C:USA Today
D:The Washington Post
答案: New York Times;
USA Today;
The Washington Post

11、 Which of the following headlines are about the past event?

A:Shanghai children’s hospital getting big AI boost
B:China’s national supercomputing center launches AI testbed
C:Overseas media gain broader knowledge
D:Smaller firms to get ample credit platforms
答案: Shanghai children’s hospital getting big AI boost;
China’s national supercomputing center launches AI testbed;
Overseas media gain broader knowledge

12、 Which of the following headlines omitted “a” or “an”?

A:five killed in Connecticut power plant blast
B:Journalist fired in spy debate
C:Meet the “selfish giant” of global trade
D:Longevity Star Dies at 110
答案: five killed in Connecticut power plant blast;
Journalist fired in spy debate;
Longevity Star Dies at 110

13、 Which of the following are the features of leads?

B:providing important information
C:short and concise
D:detailed and vivid
答案: intriguing;
providing important information;
short and concise

14、 What are the basic types of lead?

A:direct lead
B:summary lead
C:delayed lead
D:question lead
答案: direct lead;
summary lead;
delayed lead;
question lead

15、 What are the features of news pictures?

A:a helper for a quick understanding of the news
B:a hook to lure readers to read more
C:a presenter of the direct view of a news event
D:a collection of a person’s different actions
答案: a helper for a quick understanding of the news;
a hook to lure readers to read more;
a presenter of the direct view of a news event

16、 What is skim reading?

A:It is a process of speed reading.
B:It is visually searching for clues to the main idea.
C:It is an important academic skill at college.
D:It is detailed reading.
答案: It is a process of speed reading.;
It is visually searching for clues to the main idea.;





