专业研习(2)(青岛理工大学琴岛学院)1452935452 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



I. Literature—Literary Giants and Their Masterpieces 英国文学:文学巨匠和鸿篇巨著(方妍) 第1章单元测验

1、 All Shakespeare’s works are written in __.

A:old English
B:middle English
C:modern English
答案: modern English

2、 Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare?

A:Twelfth Night
C:The Tempest
D:Richard II
答案: Othello

3、 Which character is not a noble hero with a tragic flaw in Shakespeare’s tragedies?

C:King Lear
答案: Bassanio

4、 The leading form of literature in the Victorian Era is __.

答案: novel

5、 The novel Vanity Fair is the masterpiece of the author __.

A:Charles Dickens
B:Oscar Wilde
C:William M. Thackeray
D:George Eliot
答案: William M. Thackeray

6、 __ is a representative of English critical realism in the 19th century.

A:Joseph Conrad
B:John Milton
C:Charles Dickens
D:Virginia Woolf
答案: Charles Dickens

7、 Of Dickens’ novels, __ is considered most autobiographical.

A:A Tale of Two Cities
B:David Copperfield
C:Oliver Twist
D:Great Expectations
答案: David Copperfield

8、 Ode to the West Wind is written by __.

A:George Gordon Byron
B:Percy Bysshe Shelley
C:John Keats
D:William Wordsworth
答案: Percy Bysshe Shelley

9、 “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” is a famous quotation of __.

A:William Wordsworth
B:Samuel Taylor Coleridge
C:John Keats
D:Robert Burns
答案: John Keats

10、 In a historical sense, __ was a movement in philosophy, political theory, and the arts that flourished in England from 1750 to 1850.

D:Critical Realism
答案: Romanticism

II. History—Figures and Events of Significance 英国历史:重要人物和事件(周玲) 第2章单元测验

1、 Who introduced Christianity into Britain?

A:The Viking Danes
B:The Romans
C:The French
D:The Angles, Saxons and Jutes
答案: The Romans

2、 Which of the following is NOT one of the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basis of modern English race?

A:the Viking Danes
B:the Saxons
C:the Angles
D:the Jutes
答案: the Viking Danes

3、 In the year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England and defeated the Saxon king Harold at ______.

A:the Battle of Grecy
B:the Battle of Agincourt
C:the Battle of Hastings
D:the Hundred Years’ War
答案: the Battle of Hastings

4、 It was not until the end of ______ that English language finally took the place of French in all classes of society in England.

A:the Wars of the Roses
B:the Battle of Hastings
C:the Hundred Years’ War
D:the Battle of Agincourt
答案: the Hundred Years’ War

5、 ______ was forced to sign The Magna Carta in June 1215 with the barons of Medieval England.

A:Henry VIII
B:Charles I
C:King John
D:James II
答案: King John

6、 The king who believed the “Divine Right” to govern, and who was condemned to death during the English Civil War was ______.

A:Henry VIII
B:Charles I
C:King John
D:James II
答案: Charles I

7、 According to Marx, it was ______ that brought into power, along with William of Orange, the landlord and capitalist appropriators.

A:the Glorious Revolution
B:the establishment of the Commonwealth of England
C:the execution of Charles I
D:the New Model Army
答案: the Glorious Revolution

8、 It was during ______ when the English navy defeated the Spanish Armada.

A:the Middle Ages
B:the 16th century
C:the Elizabethan age
D:the Wars of the Roses
答案: the 16th century

9、 The sparkle that set off World War I was the ______.

A:the invasion of Poland by Hitler
B:British declaration of war on Germany
C:the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
D:the establishment of two opposing political and military alliances
答案: the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

10、 “Blood, Toil, Tears and Swear” was delivered by Winston Churchill during ______.

A:the First World War
B:the Second World War
C:the Battle of Trafalgar
D:the Battle of Waterloo
答案: the Second World War

III. Communication—Etiquette Here and There 交往礼仪:小处不可随便(徐鸿) 第3章单元测验

1、 In England, what is a particularly suitable topic of conversation?

D:TV shows
答案: weather

2、 Who once observed that ‘when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather’?

A:William Shakespeare
B:William Blake
C:Henry James
D:Samuel Johnson
答案: Samuel Johnson

3、 Which of the following statements is NOT Kate Fox’s research finding?





