大学英语读写2(东北师范大学)1463329518 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



02 A Good Read Unit test

1、 What is the main writing purpose of the passage Danger! Books may change your life?

A:To show the reader how to read fictions.
B:To persuade the reader that reading can be a life changing experience.
C:To claim that books provide the meaning of life.
D:To recommend some non-fiction books to read.
答案: To persuade the reader that reading can be a life changing experience.

2、 Why are we like Alice in wonderland when we read a book?

A:Because, like Alice, we often have accident.
B:Because reading makes us feel young again.
C:Because reading opens the door to new experiences.
D:Because books lead us into a dream world.
答案: Because reading opens the door to new experiences.

3、 According to the author, what is the advantage of reading over real life?

A:There is more variety in books than in real life.
B:We can experience variety in books than in real life.
C:The people we meet in a book are more interesting than real people.
D:It’s harder to make sense of teal life than a book.
答案: We can experience variety in books than in real life.

4、 Which one is not the struggle that Miller, the author of They are alive and they spoke to me, has with books?

A:He had no money to buy books.
B:The books he wanted were always out at the library.
C:The books he liked were prohibited to circulate, but only for library use.
D:He was too young to borrow the “immoral” books.
答案: The books he liked were prohibited to circulate, but only for library use.

5、 “A book lying idle on a shelf is wasted ammunition.”(Para. 4) What is the figure of speech used in this sentence?

答案: Analogy.

6、 According to Miller, what should you do when you find a book you want to read?

A:Pick it up and start reading.
B:Ask a friend for advice about the book.
C:Think about whether you really need to read it.
D:Only read it if it is original.
答案: Think about whether you really need to read it.

7、 Why does Miller especially admire about Blaise Cendrars?

A:He had a very adventurous life.
B:He was a great writer.
C:He knew what to do with his time.
D:He read as well as wrote a lot.
答案: He read as well as wrote a lot.

8、 The author’s tone in the passage is _____.

答案: ironic

9、 What kinds of books helps Thomas Merton find out the true meaning of life?

A:William Blake’s poetic works.
B:Various plays by ancient Greek thinkers and writers.
C:Religious writings.
D:Novels ranging from the classics to the most recent.
答案: William Blake’s poetic works.;
Various plays by ancient Greek thinkers and writers.;
Religious writings.

10、 What are the reading’s benefits that the author reemphasizes in the end of his writing?

A:To visit another world.
B:To meet different people.
C:To live other lives.
D:To reflect on ourselves.
答案: To visit another world.;
To meet different people.;
To live other lives.;
To reflect on ourselves.

11、 The novel Thing fall apart, setting in Nigeria at the end of the 19th century, is a postcolonial novel and a portrayal of culture clash.

答案: 正确





