学术英语交流与写作(北京交通大学)1450759590 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



WEEK 1 Lecture 1 Testing

1、 The following is academic writing.Zhang Hong stormed to victory in the women’s 1,000m speed skating, winning China’s first Winter Olympic gold in the event. Dutch pair Ireen Wust and Margot Boer won silver and bronze respectively as the Netherlands continued their success on the ice. Zhang, 25, crossed the line in one minute 14.02 seconds, giving her a winning margin of 0.67 seconds. For Wust it was her fifth Winter Olympic medal and a second at Sochi.

答案: 错误

分析:It’s not academic writing. It’s a news report.

2、 The following is academic writing. O my Luve’s like a red, red roseThat’s newly sprung in June;O my Luve’s like the melodieThat’s sweetly play’d in tune.

答案: 错误
分析:It’s not academic writing. It’s taken from the poem A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns

3、 The following is academic writing.This comprehensive book covers syntax, punctuation, style, organization and tone. Johnson does more than dictate the rules; he gives examples, exceptions, and, more important, clear, easily understood explanations of why grammar has the rules it does. He also gives full attention to styling, the important matter of giving consistent treatment to numbers, abbreviations, generic terms, forms of address, foreign terms, etc., in good writing.

答案: 正确
分析:It’s academic writing. It’s taken from a book review.

4、 The following is academic writing. A Dog, crossing a bridge over a stream with a piece of flesh in his mouth, saw his own shadow in the water and took it for that of another Dog, with a piece of meat double his own in size. He immediately let go of his own, and fiercely attacked the other Dog to get his larger piece from him. He thus lost both: that which he grasped at in the water, because it was a shadow; and his own, because the stream swept it away.

答案: 错误
分析:Not academic writing. It’s taken from Aesop Fable.

5、 The following is academic writing. Marley was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And Scrooge’s name was good upon change for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old Marley was as dead as a doornail.

答案: 错误
分析:It’s academic writing. It’s taken from the novel A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.

6、 The following is academic writing. Venice. A street.ANTONIO:In sooth, I know not why I am so sad:It wearies me; you say it wearies you;But how I caught it, found it, or came by it,What stuff ’tis made of, whereof it is born,I am to learn;

答案: 错误
分析:It’s not academic writing. It’s taken from The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare.

7、 The following is academic writing.Hamlet tells the story of a young prince of Denmark who discovers that his uncle and his mother have killed his father, the former king. He plots to get revenge, but in his obsession with revenge he drives his sweetheart to madness and suicide, kills her innocent father, and in the final scene poisons and is poisoned by her brother in a duel, causes his mother’s death, and kills the guilty king, his uncle.

答案: 正确
分析:It’s academic writing. It’s taken from a summary of Hamlet.

8、 The following is academic writing.I have read your manuscript with some attention. […] I will not enter into any discussion of your principles, though you seem to desire it. At present I shall only give you my opinion, that, though your reasonings are subtile and may prevail with some readers, you will not succeed so as to change the general sentiments of mankind on that subject, and the consequence of printing this piece will be, a great deal of odium drawn upon yourself, mischief to you, and no benefit to others. He that spits against the wind, spits in his own face.

答案: 错误
分析:It’s not typical academic writing, though it is concerned with something academic. It’s taken from a letter of Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Paine.

9、 The following is academic writing.In this case study, I compare the salient semantic features found in the contexts of the word melancholy in a diachronic corpus of fiction from 1722 to 1834. By building such a corpus, I aim to document and explain a change in the usage and meaning of melancholy. I intend to use corpus linguistics to provide empirical evidence of a semantic change of the emotion word melancholy from the pre-Romantic period to the Romantic period.

答案: 正确
分析:It’s cademic writing. It’s taken from a journal article/research paper entitled “A Diachronic Study of Melancholy in a British Novel Corpus”

10、 The following is academic writing. Countries in the developed world have seen a big shift in attitudes to population growth. Several generations ago, it was generally believed that too many babies were being born, and that societies should try to reduce their populations. Nowadays, however, the concern is the reverse – that birthrates are falling too low and that urgent action is needed to encourage people to have more children. But what are the causes of this trend? And how much are the attitudes and lifestyles of young people to blame? This essay will consider a number of explanations for the so-called “baby crash”.

答案: 正确
分析:It’s academic writing. It’s taken from an academic essay.

WEEK 1 Lecture 2 Testing

1、 Which of the following support the opinion that AI should be curbed(遏制) ?

A:The development of AI may help us live healthier than previous generations.
B:AI may cause some ethical or legal problems like the accidents caused by auto-driving.
C:The spread of AI may lighten the household burden of human beings.
D:With the proliferation of AI, human being may live a more convenient life.
答案: AI may cause some ethical or legal problems like the accidents caused by auto-driving.

2、 Which of the following is NOT one of the elements of argumentation ?

A:A clear thesis statement.
B:Arguments with solid evidence.
C:Restatement of your arguments.
D:Agreement with alternative side.
答案: Agreement with alternative side.

3、 Which of the following can be used to support the following argument ?Argument: One’s achievement is mainly decided by his nurture(后天的环境) not by nature(先天的资质).

A:No matter how deligent you are, you cannot compare with those whose parents or grandparents have high social status and great fortune.
B:Just like Thomas Edison once said,”Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”
C:From my point of view, one’s gift outweighs one’s diligence in most cases.
D:For example, Zhongyong in Chinese history is a case aganist the argument.
答案: Just like Thomas Edison once said,”Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

4、 Read the following paragraph and decide which type of writing it is.The municipal government of Happyville unanimously approved the construction of sixty-two miles of bike trails in 2017. Made possible by a new tax levy, the bike trails are expected to help the city reach its sustainability and clean air goals while reducing traffic and congestion. Eighteen trailheads with restrooms and picnic areas have been planned at a variety of access points. The city expects construction to be complete in April 2021.

答案: Expository

5、 Study the following topic and decide which type of essay you need to write.“The most memorable experience in my life”

答案: narrative

6、 Study the following topic and decide which type of essay you need to write.“My favorite restaurant”

答案: Descriptive

7、 Study the following topic and decide which type of essay you need to write.“Christmas traditions from around the world”

答案: expository

8、 Study the following topic and decide which type of essay you need to write.“Why the drinking age should not be lowered”

答案: argumentative

9、 Read the following paragraph and decide which type of writing it is.The children pedaled leisurely down the Happyville Bike Trail, their giggles and whoops reverberating through the warm spring air. Sweet-scented wildflowers brought an array of color to the gently undulating landscape, tempting the children to dismount now and then so they could lay down in the springy, soft grass.

答案: descriptive

10、 Read the following paragraph and decide which type of writing it is.As I cycled down the trail, I heard children giggling and whooping just around the bend. I crested a small hill and coasted down the curving path until I found the source of the noise. Three little girls sat in the grass by a big oak tree. They were startled to see me, and I smiled kindly to put them at ease.“Whatcha doing?” I asked.“Nothing,” they chirped in unison.

答案: narrative

WEEK 1 Lecture 3 Testing

1、 Which of the following is NOT a reason why we paraphrase?

A:To avoid the risk of plagiarism.
B:To fully understand the original text.
C:To make things easy to understand.
D:To use an outside source in our own article.
答案: To make things easy to understand.

2、 Which of the following word/words do NOT need to be changed in a paraphrase?

B:Air conditioner.
答案: Air conditioner.

3、 Which of the following is a good paraphrase for the sentence below:News people provide us with the only picture we have of ourselves and of the world.

A:News reporters take pictures of people and the world, which are the only way for us to know the world.
B:News media are the only overall information source for us to know ourselves and the world.
C:News reporters offer us the only story happening around us and in the world.
D:News reporters offer us the only image we have of ourselves and of the world.
答案: News media are the only overall information source for us to know ourselves and the world.

4、 What is the first thing you should make sure when you paraphrase?

A:The ideas of the original is appropriate in your essay.
B:You have fully understood the original sentence.





