英语口语4-02-DavidScarlett(北京邮电大学世纪学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Lesson One Campus Life Quiz for Unit One

1、 When you are interacting with people from the West, you should probably start with talking about______.

A:weather in that day
B:marriage status
C:personal income
D:political stance
答案: weather in that day

2、 Mike: Hi Katie, how is everything?Kate: ___.

A:It’s ok.
B:Well done
D:Pretty good.
答案: Pretty good.

3、 Which of the following does not describe features of sorority or fraternity in Western campus ?

A:Single-sex membership.
B:Similar family background.
C:Strict selection of new members.
D:Live together in a house.
答案: Similar family background.

4、 During your presentation, you notice that some of the audience are starting to lose interest. Which of the following lines has the best chance of getting their interest back?

A:“Guys, listen up!”
B:“Excuse me, please pay attention.”
C:“With a show of hands, who here has watched a foreign film?”
D:“Hi, please stay focused.”
答案: “With a show of hands, who here has watched a foreign film?”

5、 Why is effective use of gestures important when giving presentations?

A:To complement verbal communication.
B:To provide a calming, repetitive atmosphere.
C:To give time to the audience to take notes.
D:To make sure the audience members in the last rows are able to hear the presenter.
答案: To complement verbal communication.

6、 Which of the following is not the reason why we should establish eye contact with audience in presentation?

A:Looking at audience will establish bond with the speaker.
B:Looking at audience will show respect and politeness of the speaker.
C:Looking at audience will make the audience better understand the message delivered.
D:Looking at audience will help the speaker to adjust the message to the audience through observing their reactions.
答案: Looking at audience will make the audience better understand the message delivered.

7、 Which is NOT a tip for you to overcome campus culture shock while studying abroad?

A:Open up your mind to new experiences.
B:Take this opportunity to meet interesting people.
C:Take advantage of multicultural activities and events.
D:Stay together with groups of people from your cultural background to reduce homesickness.
答案: Stay together with groups of people from your cultural background to reduce homesickness.

8、 Some of the following greetings are for formal occasions and some are for informal ones. Please choose the greetings for formal occasions.

A:Good morning, Alice. It is a pleasure to meet you.
B:Hi, how is your life?
C:Hi, what is up?
D:John, please allow me to introduce Simon.
答案: Good morning, Alice. It is a pleasure to meet you.;
John, please allow me to introduce Simon.

Lesson Two Food Culture Quiz for Unit Two

1、 Which of the following best describes the flavor of Huaiyang Cuisine?

A:Pungent and spicy.
B:Fresh and salty.
C:Light and sweet.
D:Greasy and salty.
答案: Light and sweet.

2、 Which of the following dishes successfully joined the World Non-material Cultural Heritage?

A:Confucian Dishes
B:Tan-family Dishes
C: Medicinal Dishes
D: Lion’s Headv
答案: Confucian Dishes

3、 What is the typical feature of Chinese Cuisine according to the Introduction of Chinese, French and Indian cuisines?

A:Dishes are always cooked with butter, cheese and cream.
B:Spices are popularly used to enhance the flavor of foods.
C:Fish is used as staple food.
D:The art of swift cooking at very high temperature is supreme.
答案: The art of swift cooking at very high temperature is supreme.

4、 Which of the following is a behavioral mistake according to the western dining etiquette?

A:After cutting the food, Americans would place the knife at the top of the plate, blade facing in and switch the fork to the right hand and eat with it.
B:Right-handed, one takes the fork with the right hand, and the knife with the left.
C:When leaving the table permanently, one puts his napkin to the left of the dinner plate.
D:When having soup, one always uses a spoon to pick up the soup from
答案: Right-handed, one takes the fork with the right hand, and the knife with the left.

5、 Fast food began firstly in _____.

答案: Britain

6、 Which of the following statements is not true for “drive-through” service?

A: It lets customers order and pick up food from their vehicle.Such service was first popularized in the 1950s.
B:Such service was first popularized in the 1950s.
C:It was the United States that the service was developed.
D:It was the fish and chip shops in Britain that popularized the service.
答案: It was the fish and chip shops in Britain that popularized the service.

7、 In formal discussion, we sometimes make a concession when ______.

A:we try to make a conclusion
B:we try to give reasons
C:we try to reply somebody who disagrees with us
D:we try to show our agreement with somebody
答案: we try to reply somebody who disagrees with us

8、 1. Please match each Chinese dish with its English name. 1) 鱼香肉丝 A. Fried Prawns 2) 辣子鸡丁 B. Scrambled Egg with Tomato3) 北京烤鸭 C. Home-style Tofu4) 软炸虾仁 D. Yangzhou Fried Rice5) 蚝油生菜 E. Peking Roast Duck6) 扬州炒饭 F. Lettuce with Oyster Sauce7) 番茄炒蛋 G. Fish-flavored Pork Slices8) 家常豆腐 H. Spicy Deep-fried Chicken Dice答案举例:ABECDFHG

Lesson Three Family Quiz for Unit Three

1、 Choose the correct answer according to the picture. 英语口语4-02-DavidScarlett(北京邮电大学世纪学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分第1张

A:He is overweighed and with round belly
B:He is skinny and with brown hair
C:He is muscular and with round eyes
D:He is fat and with big mouse
答案: He is overweighed and with round belly

2、 Choose the appropriate description for the picture.英语口语4-02-DavidScarlett(北京邮电大学世纪学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分第2张

A:She has blond hair and a freckled face
B:She has crystal clear eyes and fair complexion
C:She has wavy hair and pale skin color
D:She has a ruddy face and straight hair
答案: She has crystal clear eyes and fair complexion

3、 Choose the correct answer according to the picture英语口语4-02-DavidScarlett(北京邮电大学世纪学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分第3张

A:This girl has curly hair and dark skin color
B:This girl has gray hair and fair skin color
C:This girl has straight hair and pale skin color
D:This girl has short hair and light skin color
答案: This girl has curly hair and dark skin color

4、 Which of the following is a negative description of a person?

A:Maybe they think it is stubborn, but I like her persistence.
B:The chubby boy has a freckled face and curly hair.
C:Sometimes a person can be really mean and picky.
D:Lucy is a disciplined and straight A student in her class.
答案: Sometimes a person can be really mean and picky.

5、 ___ family includes all relatives in close proximity, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

C: Nuclear
答案: Extended

6、 __ family has a step-mon, a step-dad, and even step-siblings.

答案: Blended

7、 Which of the following words is NOT the word that is associating with women according to the conservative ideas?






