大学英语综合教程(高级)(郑州科技学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Unit1 Man and Nature Unit Test

1、 Which of the following is replaceable resource?

B:fossil oil
C:geothermal energy
D:natural gas
答案: geothermal energy

2、 Which of the following is irreplaceable resource?

A:solar energy
C:wind power
D:tidal energy
答案: petroleum

3、 Which one is NOT man’s transformation of nature?

A:Man has subdued and disciplined electricity.
B:Man has transferred plants and animals to different climatic conditions.
C:Man has changed the shape and climate of environment.
D:Man has found a way to forecast the weather.
答案: Man has found a way to forecast the weather.

4、 Which one is NOT the description of our ancestors in the past?

A:They could easily get natural resources with their perfect tools.
B:They lived in fear of nature’s destructive forces.
C:They were often unable to obtain the merest daily necessities.
D:They viewed forest as something wild and frightening.
答案: They could easily get natural resources with their perfect tools.

5、 Which one belongs to synthetic material?

答案: nylon

6、 To solve the crisis of man-nature relation, we should _____?

A:lay the entire responsibility on enterprises and government.
B:close down all the factories and stop industrial production.
C:use such fossil fuels as coal, crude oil and natural gas.
D:find a rational balance between production and care for Mother nature.
答案: find a rational balance between production and care for Mother nature.

7、 Which one is a nature-friendly behavior?

A:over use of plastic bags.
B:using public transportation.
C:batteries are thrown away at random.
D:abusive use of exhaustible resources
答案: using public transportation.

8、 Which one is NOT the role of Amazon rainforest in the earth ecosystem?

A:providing farm lands
B:conserving water sources
C:maintaining soil
D:reducing droughts and floods
答案: providing farm lands

9、 The natural order of an English sentence should be ______.

A:predicate+ subject+ object
B:subject+ predicate+ object
C:subject+ object+ predicate
D:object+ subject+ predicate
答案: subject+ predicate+ object

10、 Which one is NOT an inverted English sentence?

A:Never will I forget you.
B:There goes the bell.
C:A picture hangs on the wall.
D:Such were the facts.
答案: A picture hangs on the wall.

11、 Which of the following is not considered as a natural disaster?

答案: Raining

12、 The Amazon Rainforest is located in ___.

A:North America
B:South America
C:Central America
答案: South America

13、 What is the main idea of paragraph one?

A:Man changes nature.
B:Man does harm to nature.
C:Man lives in nature.
D:Nature is more powerful than man.
答案: Man lives in nature.

14、 According to the author, why are synthetic materials especially appealing to young people?

A:Because they are usually cheap.
B:Because they often look shining.
C:Because they contain glittering fabrics.
D:Because young people pay more attention to appearance than to health.
答案: Because they are usually cheap.

15、 Which one is the wrong attitude towards nature?

A:Man should fight with nature and conquer it.
B:Man should respect nature’s seniority.
C:Man should care for Mother Nature.
D:Man should appreciate the beauty of nature.
答案: Man should fight with nature and conquer it.

16、 We are connected with nature by _____ ties and we cannot live outside nature.
答案: blood

17、 As society develops, man tends to become less _ on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows.
答案: dependent

18、 Modern technology is distinguished by an ever increasing abundance of produced and used ______ goods.
答案: synthetic

19、 Man is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he breathes, the ____ he drinks and the food he eats.
答案: water

20、 Frank Lloyd Wright said, “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never ____ you.”
答案: fail

21、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable It was totally ____ to think that we could finish the job in two months.
答案: impractical

22、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable We all have our own life, learning to be ____.
答案: independent

23、 Fill in the blanks with the following words:imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable You are ____, the one and the only.
答案: irreplaceable

24、 Fill in the blanks with the following words:imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable We are not alone in the world so that it is ____ to make connection with each other.
答案: inevitable

25、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect impractical imbalance independent inevitable irreplaceable In the enterprise, inventory is a “reservoir”, regulating the ____ between the production and demand.
答案: imbalance

Unit 2 Man and Technology Unit Test

1、 Who wrote a famous paper entitled “ Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?” in 1974?

A:James Surowiecki
B:Richard Easterlin
C:Isaac Asimov
D:Karl Marx
答案: Richard Easterlin

2、 In what field does technology impose the most influence on people’s sense of well-being?

答案: Healthcare

3、 Which of the following is NOT James’s publications?

A:Happiness in Economics
B:Triumphant: The Twenty-first Century in Historical Respective, 1996
C: Fortune: The impact of Numbers on Personal Welfare, 1987
D:The Contemporary Reader
答案: The Contemporary Reader

4、 According to the supplementary reading material, when can pupils at French schools use their smartphones?

A: at the age of 15
B:at the age of 10
C: at the age of 20
D:at the age of 18





