systematic anatomy(哈尔滨医科大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



第1周:绪论 Introduction练习

1、 What does B indicate?systematic anatomy(哈尔滨医科大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分第1张

A: the median plane
B: the sagittal plane
C: the horizontal plane
D: the coronal plane
E: the lateral plane
答案: the median plane;
the sagittal plane

2、 A coronal plane divides the body into which of the following?

A: anterior and posterior portions
B: superior and inferior portions
C: lateral and medial portions
D: anterior and medial portion
E: internal and external portion
答案: anterior and posterior portions

3、 In the international accepted ‘anatomical position’, the feet are together and the palms of the hands face to ?

A: anteriorly
B: posteriorly
C: laterally
D: medially
E: superiorly
答案: anteriorly

4、 The area of the body nearer to the front (shown as direction C on the image) is referred to as ?systematic anatomy(哈尔滨医科大学) 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分第2张

A: medial
B: anterior
C: lateral
D: superficial
E: posterior
答案: anterior

5、 A horizontal plane divides the body into which of the following?

A: distal and proximal portions
B: superior and inferior portions
C: anterior and posterior portions
D: internal and external portions
E: lateral and medial portions
答案: superior and inferior portions

第2周 骨学总论 关节学总论 Bone & articular 练习

1、 1. A 69-year-old woman fracture her humerus during a motor vehicle accident. Which of these types of bone will most likely be seen in a biopsy taken from the healing arez?

答案: Woven

2、 2. An 18-year-old boy was suspected of having leukemia. It was decided to confirm the diagnosis by performing a bone marrow biopsy. The following statements concerning this procedure are correct except which one?

A:The biopsy was taken from the lower end of the tibi
B:Red bone marrow specimens can be obtained from the sternum orthe iliac crests
C:At birth, the marrow of all bones of the body is red and hematopoietic
D:The blood-forming activity of bone marrow in many long bones gradually lessens with age, and the red marrow is gradually replaced by yellow marrow
E:By the time the person becomes adult, red marrow is restricted to the bonesof the skull, the vertebral column, the thoracic cage, the girdle bones, and the head of the humerus and femur
答案: The biopsy was taken from the lower end of the tibi

3、 From the anatomical position, turning the palm to face the body is an example of …

A:medial rotation
B:lateral rotation
答案: medial rotation

4、 Lifting the shoulders towards the ears is an example of …

答案: Elevation

5、 A 7-year-old boy is referred to the endocrine clinic with short stature, rhizomelic shortening of the arms and legs, a disproportionately long trunk, trident hands, midfacial hypoplasia, prominent forehead (frontal bossing), thoracolumbar gibbus, and megalencephaly. Radiological examination by MRI reveals caudal narrowing of the interpedicular spaces of T1 and T2 vertebrae and spinal stenosis at L2 to L4. Genetic analysis reveals a gain of function mutation, G1138A, in the fibroblast growth factor receptor-3 (FGFR3), band 4p16.3.His parents are requesting the initiation of treatmentwith growth hormone. The endocrinologist is concerned about harmful growth hormone effects: deposition of abnormally formed bone and worsening of the patient’s kyphoscoliosis. During this child’s postnatal development, which one of the following is the most likely effect of the FGFR3 gene mutation?

A:Decreased bone deposition under the periosteum
B:Decreased proliferation of osteoblasts in the primary ossification center
C:Decreased proliferation of osteoblasts in the secondary ossification center
D:Decreased appositional growth of chondroblasts in the primary ossification center
E:Decreased interstitial growth of chondroblasts in the epiphyses
答案: Decreased interstitial growth of chondroblasts in the epiphyses

第3周 躯干骨及其连接 Trunk bone & joints 练习

1、 A resident physician is performing a pelvic examination on a young woman. The fingers of one of her hands are in the patient’s vagina, planting the cervix. The other hand is pressing on the abdomen. With the palm of this hand,the physician feels a bony structure in the lower midline. This structure is most likely the

答案: Pubis

2、 A neonate has a prominent defect at the base of this spine through which his meninges and spinal cord protrude. A failure of which the following processes is the most common cause of this type of defect?

A:Fusion of the vertebral arches
B:Development of the body
C:Development of the pedicle
D:Development of primary vertebral ossification centers
E:Development of the superior articular process
答案: Fusion of the vertebral arches

3、 A surgeon is first on the scene after a serious automobile accident. He finds a passenger bleeding profusely from the neck and correctly surmises that bleeding is from the carotid artery. To control the bleeding, the surgeon can compress the carotid artery against the anterior tubercle of which the following vertebrae?

A:Sixth cervical
B:Second cervical
C:Third cervical
D:Fourth cervical
E:Fifth cervical
答案: Sixth cervical

4、 A resident physician demonstrating the correct technique for inserting a subclavian central venous line. He has a medical student palpate the clavicle, then the chest wall below it. The first bony structure that can be palpated below the inferior margin of the medical portion of the clavicle is the

A:second rib
D:first rib
答案: second rib

5、 During a football game,a player sustain a powerful blow to the lateral side of weight-bearing leg. He experiences excruciating knee pain and is unable to talk. The three structures most likely to be injured are the

A:anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments and the medial meniscus
B:anterior cruciate and lateral collateral ligaments and the lateral meniscus
C:posterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments and the lateral meniscus
D:posterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments and medial meniscus
E:anterior cruciate and lateral collateral ligaments and the medial meniscus
答案: anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligaments and the medial meniscus

第4周 上肢骨及其连接 Upper limb 练习

1、 A 24-year-old man present with pain in his right wrist that resulted when he fall hard on his outstretched that hand. Radiographic studies indicate an anterior dislocation of a proximal row carpal row carpal bone. Which of the following bones was dislocates?

答案: Lunate

2、 A 26-year-old accountant trips over a brief case and falls onto his outstretched hand. You suspect a fracture of a carpal bone. Which of the following is most likely fractured?

答案: scaphoid

3、 A 72-year-old woman trips over the edge of the carpet and falls forward onto the floor. A common reflex reaction to tripping and falling forward is to extend ones hands to ease the impact of striking the floor. She presents to the ER holding her left arm with her right hand. There is an obvious posterior displacement of the left distal wrist and hand that looks like a dinner fork. Which bone(s) is/are likely involved in a classic Colles fracture?

A:Always the ulna and sometimes the radius
B:Always the radius and sometimes the ulna
C:Always the ulna and sometimes the scaphoid
D:Always the radius and sometimes the trapezium
E:Only the ulna
答案: Always the radius and sometimes the ulna

4、 A workman accidentally lacerated his wrist major in the ulnar side, as long as the half of the transverse wrist. On exploration of the wound, a vessel and nerve are found to have been severed, but no muscle tendons were damaged. Which of the following thumb movements would be abolished?

答案: Adduction

5、 A 52-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after being found in the park where apparently he had lain overnight after a fall. He complains of severe pain in the left arm. Physical examination suggests that he has a broken humerus, which is confirmed radiologically. The patient can extend the forearm at the elbow, but supination appears to be somewhat weak; the hand grasp is very weak when compared with the uninjured arm. Neurologic examination reveals an inability to extend the wrist (“wrist drop”). Since these findings point to apparent nerve damage, the patient is scheduled for a surgical reduction of the fracture. Two sets of movements occur at the elbow: flexion-extension and supination-pronation. The number of degrees of freedom at the radiohumeral joint is …






