What is the most important element in public speaking?Which of the following speech is not a ceremonial speech?What is t



What is the most important element in public speaking?Which of the following speech is not a ceremonial speech?What is true about stage fright?You can’t speak right if you don’t listen well.We should figure out who we are talking to when preparing a speech.A:Audience B:Speaker  C:Pronunciation D:Public speaking skills 答案: AudienceA:An introduction B:A commencement address C:A commemorative speech D:A eulogy 答案: An introductionA:Only those talented ones can conquer their stage fright B:Stage fright cannot be got rid of C:It is a normal feeling that everybody could have  D:Stage fright is abnormal 答案: It is a normal feeling that everybody could have A:对 B:错 答案: 对A:对 B:错 答案: 对


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What is the most important element in public speaking?Which of the following speech is not a ceremonial speech?What is t第1张

What is the most important element in public speaking?Which of the following speech is not a ceremonial speech?What is t第2张


Which of the following statements is not true:

A:Public speaking can turn you into a smarter one.
B:Public speaking is a talent more than a skill
C:Public speaking can teach you critical thinking.
D:Public speaking training can turn you into a good speaker
答案: Public speaking is a talent more than a skill

Which of the following situations are not public speaking ?

A:A presentation at an international conference
B:A product demonstration to global buyers
C:A toast at a dinner
D:All of them
答案: All of them

Which of the following statements are true about public speaking?

A:Advance your career
B:Do good to society
C:It is a form of empowerment
D:All of them
答案: All of them

Learning public speech is a personal matter and does not benefit the society.

答案: 错

What is the most important element in public speaking?

D:Public speaking skills
答案: Audience

Public speaking is a kind of way to manipulate others.

答案: 错

There is no need to learn public speaking if you are in a Chinese environment. 

答案: 错

which of the following choice is not true about public speaking ?

A:Public speaking is a form of empowerment
B:Public speaking advances your career
C:Learning to give speeches can be beneficial to society
D:Public speaking is of little use in our daily life
答案: Public speaking is of little use in our daily life

Learning how to analyze your audiences can’t help you become a more flexilbe communicator. 

答案: 错

People who don’t like to express themselves don’t have to learn public speaking.

答案: 错

Learning public speaking means that you must be someone else.

答案: 错

which of the following choices are true about public speaking? 

A:Learning public speaking can make you braver and more confident
B:Public speaking will make you smarter
C: Learning public speaking will make you more critical and more independent 
D:Public speaking is very useful in our daily life
答案: Learning public speaking can make you braver and more confident;Public speaking will make you smarter; Learning public speaking will make you more critical and more independent ;Public speaking is very useful in our daily life

No matter what major you are studying, what kind of job you will have, public speaking is a necessary skill that should be learned by everyone.

答案: 对

Just because audience members are looking at us doesn’t mean they are paying attention. They need to be motivated to keep on listening.

答案: 对

Public speaking is just a monologue, a personal show of the speaker.

答案: 错

Communication is not an one-way process.

答案: 对

Which one of the following topic is not an appropriate speech topic?

A:On History
B:9 Good Habits for a Good Reader
C:Why should we care about breast cancer?
D:When Online Shamming Goes Too Far
答案: On History

Which of the following speech is not a ceremonial speech?

A:An introduction
B:A commencement address
C:A commemorative speech
D:A eulogy
答案: An introduction

How to adjust your speech if you receive negative audience responses?

A:Adding another vivid example
B:Starting to raise your voice drastically
C:Speaking very fast to speed up
D:Criticize the audience for not listening
答案: Adding another vivid example

What is the proper way to clarify a subject that your audiences know little about?

A:You can use simple and clear language and some rhetorical devices
B:You can use some very technical terms
C:You can use lots of gestures
D:You can use casual and random language to clarify
答案: You can use simple and clear language and some rhetorical devices

what is the right function of public speaking?

A:Improve your communication skills
B:To catch your audiences 
C:Say something in more interesting and smarter way
D:Manipulate others
答案: Manipulate others

Among the basic elements in public speaking, which one is the most important one?

答案: Listener

Persuasion is the process of creating, reinforcing, or changing people’s beliefs or actions. When you give persuasive speeches , you are selling an idea.

答案: 对

Courtesy speeches,including introduction, presentation, acceptance, and after-dinner speeches, like the Oscar Award acceptance speech by Leonardo DiCaprio.

答案: 对

In the communication process, there are mainly 7 elements: speaker, listener, channel, message, feedback, situation and interference.

答案: 对

Recording ourselves is very important, and we should watch our videos at least 3 times.

答案: 对

 If you get nervous, there is no need to look at the audience.

答案: 错

If we get nervous when speaking, it means we are poor speakers.

答案: 对

Which of the following statement about controlling nervousness is incorrect?

A:Stablishing a right perception of yourself
B:Acquiring more speaking experiences
C:Making enough preparations
D:Staying up late before you give a speech
答案: Staying up late before you give a speech

What is true about stage fright?

A:Only those talented ones can conquer their stage fright
B:Stage fright cannot be got rid of
C:It is a normal feeling that everybody could have 
D:Stage fright is abnormal
答案: It is a normal feeling that everybody could have 

How to get rid of our stage fright?

A:Prepare, prepare and prepare
B:Know more about yourself
C:Try to speak more.
D:All of them
答案: All of them

How to prepare yourself before public speaking?

A:Drinking some alcohol before getting on the stage
B:Play overnight to relax
C:Take a deep breath and warm up your throat 
D:Shout as loud as you can
答案: Take a deep breath and warm up your throat 

What can we do to manage stage fright?

A:Drink some wine before giving the speech.
B:Practice your speech as much as you can.
C:Stimulate the real speaking environment when practicing your speech.
D:Record yourself and watch your videos when practicing your speech.
答案: Practice your speech as much as you can.;Stimulate the real speaking environment when practicing your speech.;Record yourself and watch your videos when practicing your speech.

Which of the following statements are wrong?

A:Public speaking is just about selecting a topic, planning content, and speaking in public places.
B:The most important element of public speaking is the speaker.
C:We should be ethical speakers and never use public speaking to manipulate others.
D:A good speaker never feels nervous before making a speech.
E:Never record yourself or watch your video
答案: Public speaking is just about selecting a topic, planning content, and speaking in public places.;We should be ethical speakers and never use public speaking to manipulate others.;A good speaker never feels nervous before making a speech.

A chemical causes nervousness is called adrenaline.

答案: 对

Preparing for a speech is always a hard and effort-taking process. It at least takes 30 minutes.

答案: 错

You can help your audience remember your speech by making your speech as difficult as possible. 

答案: 错

As a speaker, you should show your audience that you are an “expert” by adding a lot difficult information in your speech. 

答案: 错

Hearing is more difficult than listening.

答案: 错

The right order of the 6 stages of listening is receive, comprehend, evaluate, respond, interpret and remember.

答案: 错

You can’t speak right if you don’t listen well.

答案: 对

What is true about listening?

A:It equals to hearing
B:It is really complicated and difficult
C:We don’t have to be a good listener before being a good speaker
D:Listening can be trained in a very short time.
答案: It is really complicated and difficult

What is the advantage of good listening

A:It will advance your caree
B:It may save your life
C:It will improve your living quality
D:All of them
答案: All of them

The six stages for listening are Receive, Comprehend, Evaluate, Respond, Interpret and Remember.

答案: 对

As speakers, we should ease the burden on our audience: never speak fast; speak steadily and clearly, and leave time for our audience to think and catch up.

答案: 对

First, good listening provides you with right language input, listening is the basis of language learning. 

答案: 对

A good speaker is not someone who keeps on talking, but someone who can say what the audience want to hear, and speak properly, attractively and smartly. 

答案: 对

As a listener, we can just shut our ears when the speaker is not talking about things we are interested in to save more time.

答案: 错

The key of public speaking is all about remembering the speaker him/herself.

答案: 错

We can adjust our speech for our audience to catch up when giving the speech.

答案: 对

Using materials that beyond your level can help you improve your listening.

答案: 错

We should figure out who we are talking to when preparing a speech.

答案: 对

We should try our best to remain objective while listening and do not interrupt while other people are speaking.

答案: 对

If a speaker says something like “leftover women” or “bald”, you might experience a strong emotional reaction that can block out your ability to listen, what should you do? 

A:Stay calm and remain objective
B:Get extremely angry 
C:Criticize the speaker for saying something “stupid”
D:Shut your ears immediately
答案: Stay calm and remain objective

What is true about audiences?

A:Think of them as nothing in order to get rid of stage fright 
B:Avoid eye contact and just focus on your speech
C:Try to do some interaction with your audiences 
D:Our speech is not audience-centered
答案: Try to do some interaction with your audiences 

What is wrong about improving our listening?

A:Listen as many as materials in one time
B:Read out loud after listening to one material 
C:Remember more words
D:Keep practicing
答案: Listen as many as materials in one time

If we just keep on talking and talking without thinking about what our listeners would like to hear, we can never make a good speech.Therefore, speaker-centeredness  is the first step of a good speech. 

答案: 错

With proper analysis on your audience, you can predict what they would like to hear and make adaptations. A successful speaker sometimes can be a mind-reader: he knows exactly what the audience want. 

答案: 对

