诺奖作家英文作品赏析超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG





诺奖作家英文作品赏析超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG第1张

What is thekey to the concept of symbol?

Which of the following does not affect thesymbolic representations?

Which of the following object can representpurification

Which of the following things is consideredto be a place closer to God?

According to the lecture, what might forestin a literary work represent?

What does the well represent in the novelNorwegian Forest?

What function does the description of thewell play in Norwegian Forest?

What does Jacob’s ladder represent?

Which of the following is not associated withmountain

In “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”, the mountainrepresents:

What can one learn from the quest for one’sfather

What does the word “free” mean in The BluestEye as a result of failed quest?

In the poem, Animals in that country, why isthe activity of bullfighting alluded?

What in the poem makes the bullfight aritualistic event?

How do you interpret the tradition offoxhunting in the Great Britain?

Why does Pecola identify herself withdandelions?

Why do you think hair is considered thesource of one’s strength?

Why do people of certain profession wearuniform?

Why has corset been popular among women evenin modern days?

Why do people pay attention to their body?

JohnSteinbeck is the Nobel Laureate of Literature in the year of _ ___?

Usually the Nobel Laureate will receive thefollowing ___ __ as an honor.

What is the main group of people thatSteinbeck wrote about?

Why are some of the works of Steinbeckconsidered controversial?

What is the title of the book that won himthe Nobel Prize?

What idea does the short story “TheChrysanthemums”embody

What social event is “The Chrysanthemums”associated with?

What is the social setting of “TheChrysanthemum”?

What kind of feeling does the natural settingof the story invoke

What kind of outfit do Elisa wear?

What can you see from the way Elisa, theprotagonist, is dressed?

Her transformation in the later part of thestory comes from ____.

In what way, can her hair reflect her innerchanges

Which of the following statement showsHenry, the husband’s practicality?

How does the fence indicate herpsychological distance with the tinker?

What does the wagon represent for Elisa inthe story?

Why does the tinker say “it ain’t the kindof like for a woman”?

Henry, the husband comments on the size ofthe chrysanthemum shows that _____.

Which of the following statement showsElisa’s identification with the chrysanthemum?

Why is the husband able to make adjustmentto the change Elisa has been through?

What is thenationality of Naipaul?

What is the feature of the Miguel Street?

How many stories does The Miguel Streetconsist of?

Who is the narrator?

What kind of world is created in The MiguelStreet?

Why are people on the Miguel Street scared ofBig Foot?

Why do people like claiming Big Foot as afriend of them?

How does the narrator start friendship withBig Foot?

Why is the short story named “Coward”?

How do you characterize the narrator in“Coward”?

What school did the British poet WilliamWordsworth belong

Why is the poet in the story called theBlack Wordsworth?

Why does the narrator rephrase hismother’s refusal?

What kind of feeling does the line “The pastis deep” show?

When the narrator is beaten by his mother,how does the poet comfort him?

In the line “I could see it clearly on hisface”, what does “it” refer to?

Why is the garbage collector highlyrespected in the Miguel Street?

How does the word “material” change thedefinition of “garbage”?

Why is the mother of the narrator almost cryfrom joy when seeing the sceneries?

Why is the story named “The Blue Cart”?

When didErnest Hemingway awarded Nobel Prize for literature?

What was the title of the novel that won himthe Nobel Prize?

What is the term that indicates his literaryidea?

Of the following statement, which is not thequality of a code hero?

What is the protagonist Harry dying of?

What does summit of Kilimanjaro represent inthe story?

Why is the protagonist death givensignificance?

Which of the following object is not a symbolof death?

Which of following statement best describesthe relatedness of the gangrene and the loss of Harry’s creativity?

In the story, which of the following qualityis depicted as the sole feature of death_______.

Which of the following words is not used todescribe the active state of Harry’s death?

How does the ending of the story indicatethe elevation of Harry

What are the factors that influence ourconstruction of ethical system?

In the exchange of populations, what is theethical dilemma that the secretary trapped into?

Why is the chore boy depicted as half-wit

What determines the degree of punishment inmatching his crime

Why is Harry shown as not being able towrite the story of the boy?

In times of war, which of the following isvalued as the highest?

What does the statement “these were the sameAustrian offices they skied with later” show

Why is Harry not able to write the storiesin his memory?

When didAlice Munro win the Nobel Prize?

What kind of family background is Munro from

What is the title of the short storycollection that won her Nobel Prize

What kind of conflicts do the heroines in herstory usually have to face?

Why does the narrator feel out of place inthe college in contrast with Nina?

For scholar students like the narrator, Kayand Beverly, what could be the possible future?

Why does the narrator feel like a simpleton

In the following statement, which shows thatthe narrator is stringent on her own body?

In what way is Nina seen as out of place in acollege?

How does the narrator indicate her dislikeof Nina?

Why is the process of the Narrator’sundressing depicted in detail?

Why are the Latin words on her dress, aveatque vale, depicted in detail

In the undressing scene, what does thedepiction of applying the lotion mean?

Why does Mr. Purvis talk about Greekphilosophy with the narrator?

What is the theme of the poem Wenlock Edge

Why does Mr. Purvis’voice become “tired,old, crumpled and indifferent?

Why is the narrator able to reconstruct herethical value of small Canadian town?

Why is Nina impressed by the way thecupboard is arranged in Ernie’s house?

What does the space of the libraryrepresent?

Of the four characters in the story, whichtwo represent the small town ethics of Canada?

In what arewomen expected to behave?

Why were women easily subjected to domesticviolence in the past?

Why does Carla in “Runaway” return to herhusband?

In “Dimensions”, why does Lloyd decide tomove to strange town after marriage


Why do you think Doree gives up life with hermother’s friend and marries Lloyd instead?

What kind of influence does Maggie have onDoree?

After the murder of her three children, whatdoes Doree’s change of appearance indicate?

Why does she cut her hair short and almostonly wears uniform?

What kind of role does Mrs. Sands play in thestory?

Why is Doree angry at the religious workers

Why does Mrs. Sands not persuade Doree torefrain from seeing her ex-husband?

Why does Doree refrain from telling Mrs.Sands about the letter from Lloyd?

Which of the following factors help Doree’srecovery from trauma?

Why is Doree unable to respond to smallthings that make people happy?

How is Lloyd portrayed in the story?

Why does Doree still visit Lloyd despite ofthe disapproval she senses in Mrs. Sands?

Why does Doree compare the visit to Lloyd asa parent visiting child in school?

Why is the public will cautious ininterfering with family affairs

Why is the detail of the ironed shirtdepicted in the highway accident?

Why does Doree decide to stop visiting herex-husband?

What is ToniMorrison’s nationality?

When did Toni Morrison become a NobelLaureate?

What is Toni Morrison famous for?

What role does the Blues play in the novel?

Why does Claudia wish to have someone tobreak her heart?

What does the scene of Claudia’s fatherteaching them to kindle the fire symbolize?

How do you interpret the scene of Claudiabeing beaten

Why is M’dear asked when a person is ofserious illness?

Why does the Primer appear at different partsof the novel?

Why do the words in the Primer all clustertogether?

What is the purpose of heading the sectionsin four seasons?

Why does Pecola drink almost all the milk inClaudia’s household?

Why does Pecola fetishize over the white’sbeauty standard?

What kind of attitude does Claudia holdtoward the white beauty?

What are the qualities that Cholly supposedto develop in his quest for his father?

What kind of person does Cholly find hisfather to be?

Why does Cholly feel free from socialresponsibilities?

Why does Pecola wants a pair of blue eyes?

Why does Pecola’s mother choose the whitegirl over Pecola?

Why does Claudia dismantles the white doll

When didCoetzee become a Nobel Laureate?

Before winning the Nobel, what award did hewin twice?

What is the nationality of J. M. Coetzee?

What kind of birth defect does K sufferfrom?

Where does the story happen?

Which side is K on, the government orthe rebels?

Why does the author quote the words about warin the prologue

Why is K described as eating the applesquickly and “chewing quickly as a rabbit, his eyesvacant”?

When K hides in the mountain, why are hissenses interaction with world depicted in detail?

What is the symbolic meaning of fasting?

Why is K fascinated by the picture of porkand pineapple in the magazine?

Why is the food in the magazine depictedwith vivid coloring and detail?

Why does K refuse the food in the laborcamp?

What is the reason for depicting K as “feeling stupid” when hearing words such asmorality, responsibility?

In what way is K’slife representative of human being in a time of social upheaval?

Why is he overjoyed in eating the firstslice of pumpkin

Why is the act of growing crops givensuch kind of significance in the story?

How is K’scultivation different from Crusoe’s in RobisonCrusoe?

Why is K’s farmdepicted as suffering from the shortage of water?

In the novel, which two are posed as beingin conflict with each other?








