中学英语课程与教学(扬州大学)1003772029 中国大学慕课答案2024完整版100分



Language and Learning 选择题

1、 Which view of language supports that teachers should focus on teaching vocabulary and grammar?

A:Functional view
B:Structural view
C:Interactional view
D:Communicative view
答案: Structural view

2、 Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of language?

A:Language is a system.
B:Language is for communication.
C:Language is highly motivational.
D:Language is human-specific.
答案: Language is highly motivational.

3、 Which of the following advocates negotiating meaning during cooperative group learning?

A:Behaviorist theory
B:Cognitivist theory
C:Constructivist theory
D:Interactional view
答案: Constructivist theory

4、 Socio-constructivist theory emphasizes ____ with the target language in a social context.

A:interaction and engagement
D:reading and listening
答案: interaction and engagement

5、 Which view of language supports that language is a linguistic system, and a means for doing things?

A:Structural view
B:Functional view
C:Interactional view
D:Communicative view
答案: Functional view

6、 If a teaching syllabus is arranged in the following way, it is a(n) ______ syllabus.Unit 1 Introducing each otherUnit 2 Talking about your houseUnit 3 Asking the way, Giving direction……

答案: functional

7、 Which one of the following is a representative figure of Behaviourism?

A:Noam Chomsky
B:John Dewey
C:Lev Vygotsky
D:Burrhus Frederic Skinner
答案: Burrhus Frederic Skinner

8、 ZPD and Scaffolding are two key concepts in __.

A:Behaviorist theory
B:Cognitivist theory
C:Constructivist theory
D:Socio-constructivist theory
答案: Socio-constructivist theory

9、 The Audiolingual teaching method mainly employs repetition and imitation in teaching. What learning theory do you think this teaching method is based on?

A:Behaviorist theory
B:Cognitivist theory
C:Constructivist theory
D:Socio-constructivist theory
答案: Behaviorist theory

10、 Language is generative. Out of a finite number of grammatical rules in the system, we can produce an infinite number of sentences. This is __ view of language.

A:structural view
B:functional view
C:interactional view
D:cognitive view
答案: cognitive view

Secondary school English: Teaching approaches The Communicative Approach

1、 Which of the following is not one of the teacher’s roles in a class using the communicative approach?

A:Facilitator of students’ learning
B:Manager of classroom activities
D:Sole communicator
答案: Sole communicator

2、 Which of the following is not one of the roles of the learner?

A: Negotiator
C:Dependent learner
答案: Dependent learner

3、 Which of the following are true concerning the features of classroom teaching?

A:Cooperation and empathy
C: Tolerance of errors
D:Working in small groups
答案: Cooperation and empathy;
Tolerance of errors;
Working in small groups

4、 Which of the following is true with regard to the communicative activities?

A:Information gap
B:Choice of form
C:Choice of content
答案: Information gap;
Choice of form;
Choice of content;

5、 Which of the following is a proper language learning technique?

A:Listening and keeping silent
B:Using audio-video materials
C:Giving oral presentation
D:Completing projects
答案: Using audio-video materials;
Giving oral presentation;
Completing projects

6、 Completing a grid, time table, or chart is definitely a language learning skill.

答案: 正确

7、 Checking off items in a photograph is a proper language learning skill.

答案: 正确

8、 Putting pictures in a correct sequence is not a proper language learning skill.

答案: 错误

Secondary school English: Teaching approaches The Cognitive Approach

1、 1. Who coined the cognitive approach?A. Jean PiagetB. J. S. BrunerC. ChomskyD. J. B. Carroll

A: Jean Piaget
B:J. S. Bruner
D:J. B. Carroll
答案: J. B. Carroll

2、 2. Which of the following is the right order of Chomsky’s process of learning a language?

A:hypothesis à testing à correcting
B:hypothesis à correcting à testing
C:testing à hypothesis à correcting
D:correcting à testing à hypothesis
答案: hypothesis à testing à correcting

3、 Which is NOT included as the visual and modern teaching means?A. multi-mediaB. internetC. audiolingual labD. pictures

C:audiolingual lab
答案: pictures

4、 4. Which of the following is NOT designed to consolidate students’ learning of the learning materials?

A:examining students’ recognition of pronunciations
B:going abroad
C:testing students’ responses toward certain sentences
D:asking students to match sentences with pictures
答案: going abroad





